Thursday, March 27, 2008

Home (OpenSocial)

Home (OpenSocial)

The main site for all information about OpenSocial. Going forward, this site will evolve to include more documentation and information; today, if you are looking for developer documentation, please look here.

SpecificationOpenSocial defines a common API for social applications across multiple websites. Built from standard JavaScript and HTML, developers can create apps with OpenSocial that access a social network's friends and update feeds. By using a common API, developers can extend the reach of their applications more quickly, yielding more functionality for users. For more details about the API, review the Technical Resources.

Monday, March 24, 2008

CodeSourcery GNU Toolchains

GNU Toolchains

The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is a large open international community of network designers, operators, vendors, and researchers concerned with the evolution of the Internet architecture and the smooth operation of the Internet. It is open to any interested individual.

The Xiph.Org Foundation is a non-profit corporation dedicated to protecting the foundations of Internet multimedia from control by private interests. Our purpose is to support and develop free, open protocols and software to serve the public, developer and business markets. is a communications community Web site dedicated to providing a forum for open-source software used in datacom and telecom environments. The VOVIDA Open Communication Application Library (VOCAL) is an open-source project targeted at facilitating the adoption of VoIP in the marketplace. VOCAL provides the development community with software and tools needed to build new VoIP features, applications and services. The software in VOCAL includes a SIP-based Redirect Server, Feature Server, Provisioning Server and Marshal Proxy.

Touch Technologies

MultiTouch 2.0 comes to Apple computers

Friday, March 21, 2008

Offline and collaborative applications.

[Offline and collaboration scenarios for applications, services and devices]

- Zimbra
- Google Gears
- Remember The Milk
- Microsoft Sync Framework
- Zoho Writer

=> Services everywhere : Home, Subway, Office
=> Services every devices : Home pc, Mobile device, Office notebook pc
=> Services every line : Online or offline!

Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group

Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group

LInux platform developer network

ACCESS Developer Network, Linux

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

ZDNet Korea...인텔,「무어스타운」으로 휴대폰 시장 노린다

ZDNet Korea...인텔,「무어스타운」으로 휴대폰 시장 노린다

Hildon - GNOME Live!

Hildon - GNOME Live!

Hildon application framework introduces a new desktop for handheld devices. It comprises a lightweight desktop, a set of widgets optimized for handheld devices, a set of theming tools and other complementary libraries and applications.

Linux Standard Base (LSB) - The Linux Foundation

Linux Standard Base (LSB) - The Linux Foundation

An operating system's success is inextricably linked with the number and quality of applications that run on top of it. Linux and its variances between distributions, however, present ISVs and individual developers with a unique set of challenges: different distributions of Linux make use of different versions of libraries, important files stored in different locations, and so on. If an ISV wants to reach a global Linux audience, they must support more than one distribution of Linux. These challenges and variances make it difficult--and costly--for ISVs to target the Linux platform.
The Linux Standard Base was created to solve these challenges and lower the overall costs of supporting the Linux platform. By reducing the differences between individual Linux distributions, the LSB greatly reduces the costs involved with porting applications to different distributions, as well as lowers the cost and effort involved in after-market support of those applications.


HelixCommunity - The Foundation of Great Multimedia Applications

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Richard Cole's Parallel Merge Sort.

[Excerpted from an article entitled with Simulation and Visualization Tools for Teaching Parallel Merge Sort by Robin Trahan and Susan Rodger]
Copyright (C) 1993 ACM Press.

Overview of Parallel Merge Sort

We give a brief description of the algorithm and refer the reader to [1] for the complete description. Cole's parallel merge sort achieves O(log n) running time using n processors by pipelining the merges of sorted lists through a complete binary tree which we call the flow tree. The flow tree is not an actual data structure; it describes the flow path of the data. By pipelining the merges, information from the previous merge can be used to speed up the current merge. With this additional information, merging two sorted lists in the pipeline takes constant time.

Initially, the elements to be sorted are found at the leaf nodes of the flow tree. Let u be an internal node of the tree. During the execution of the algorithm, u will contain sorted subsets of the elements initially found at the leaf nodes of the subtree rooted at u. We will refer to the sorted subset associated with node u as u's current list. The task of u is to compute a current list containing all the elements originally at the leaf nodes of its subtree.

The algorithm consists of 3logn stages. At each stage, an internal node is active if the node has received some elements in the pipeline but has not yet received all the elements in its subtree. Evey active node u calculates a new current list that will contain twice as many elements as its previous current list in the following manner. First u saves its current list by copying it into what we call u's previous list. Then the two children of u pass up a sorted sample of their current list, and u merges these sample lists to create a new current list. This process takes place at all active nodes in parallel and is carried out by processors assigned to each element of the previous, the current, and the sample lists.

The sample passed up usually consists of every fourth element of a node's current list. If a node's current list contains all the elements initially at the leaves of its subtree, then in the next three consecutive stages the node passes every fourth, then every second, and then every element of its list to its parent. After a node has passed up every element it is no longer active and the processors assigned to that node can be reallocated.

To merge two sorted lists, the rank (or position) of an element in the resulting merged list is calculated. An element's rank in a list is a count of the number of elements in the list whose values are less than or equal to its own value. The rank of an element in the resulting merged list is the sum of its rank in its own list and its rank in the other list. To perform the merge of two sample lists in constant time, Cole maintains information that allows the elements in the sample lists to quickly calculate their ranks in the resulting merged list. This information consists of the ranks of the elements from the previous list in the sample lists. Using these ranks, an element in one sample list can determine an interval of consecutive elements in the other sample list that its value lies within. Cole proves that the number of elements within this interval is at most three, and calls it the 3-cover property. Therefore, in constant time an element in a sample list can rank itself in the other sample list by examining the elements within the appropriate interval in the other list.

Blog: Processor Architect

프로세서, SoC, ASIC 설계 + alpha.

Creative Stuff.

Tron T-Engline 소스 코드 공개

Thursday, March 06, 2008

Mobile Firefox, iPhone, and Android.

◆모바일 파이어폭스와 아이폰, 그리고 안드로이드

해외에서는 오페라(Opera) 모바일 브라우저의 인기가 단연 높다. PC용 웹브라우저 시장에서는 고전하고 있지만, 모바일 브라우저는 전 세계 다양한 휴대폰 모델에 탑재되어 배포되면서 세계 최고 점유율을 자랑하고 있다.
또한 최근 모바일 업계에서는 ‘웹킷’(도 관심의 대상이다. 애플 사파리 웹 브라우저에 사용돼 관심을 끈 오픈소스 시스템 프레임워크 ‘웹킷’은 애플 아이폰(아이팟 터치)과 구글 안드로이드에 잇달아 채택됐다. 노키아 S60과 모토로라 리눅스 플랫폼도 웹킷 엔진을 사용한다. 최근에는 MS 윈도 모바일용으로도 발표됐다.
이 밖에도 윈도 모바일 운영체제에 기본 제공되는 모바일 익스플로러 등도 있으나 전문 브라우저에 비해 호응이 크게 못 미치고 있다. MS는 최근 미국 T-모바일 '사이드킥' 폰에 모바일 웹 브라우저를 제공한 ‘데인저’사를 인수하기도 했다.
국내는 휴대폰에 탑재되는 모바일 브라우저의 대부분이 단말기에 내장된 형태다. 인프라웨어(가 시장 점유율 70%를 유지하고 있고, 이어 오페라, 오픈웨이브 등이 관심을 받고 있다. 특히 인프라웨어는 자사의 모바일솔루션을 미국 AT&T 및 스프린트, 힐리오 등에 공급한 바 있다. 지난달에는 SK텔레콤 통해 풀 브라우저를 상용화하기도 했다.
이처럼 치열하게 경쟁하고 있는 가운데 모바일 시장에서 파이어폭스의 입지를 높이기 위한 방안으로 제시된 것이 ‘모바일 파이어폭스’( 다. 파이어폭스 엔진을 기반으로 만든 모바일용 브라우저다. 플래시는 물론이고 AJAX 등 다양한 웹 기술도 모두 모바일 기반으로 지원하거나 지원할 예정이라는 점이 특징이다. 모바일 파이어폭스는 현재 노키아의 N800/810 시리즈나 스카이파이어 등에 탑재되어 있다.
모바일 솔루션 업계 관계자들은 모바일 파이어폭스가 국내에서 상용화되면 일반 휴대폰보다는 스마트폰이나 UMPC 등 휴대용 PC 분야에 먼저 도입될 것으로 예상하고 있다. 이날 한국에 방한한 모질라 모바일 팀 관계자들은 발표에서 “빠르고 깨끗하고 간단한 모질라(파이어폭스)의 원칙을 모바일에 적용시킬 것”이라며 “특히 모바일 폰에서 강조해야 할 보안 문제에 집중하고 있다”고 설명했다. - GstOpenMAX - GstOpenMAX

GstOpenMAX is a GStreamer plug-in that allows communication with OpenMAX IL components.
OpenMAX IL is an industry standard that provides an abstraction layer for computer graphics, video, and sound routines.

Monday, March 03, 2008



MONA is a tool that translates formulas to finite-state automata. The formulas may express search patterns, temporal properties of reactive systems, parse tree constraints, etc. MONA analyses the automaton resulting from the compilation and prints out "valid" or a counter-example.

the-cloak home

the-cloak home

The Cloak sits between your computer and any web sites you visit. It prevents the web sites you visit from finding out who you are. And it can use the standard SSL protocol to encrypt all communication from your browser, so that no one (except for the-Cloak) knows where you are surfing.

Sunday, March 02, 2008

Database on Flash

Database on Flash

Flash-aware Embedded Database
- Query optimization
- FTL (Flash Translation Layer)
- Wear-leveling

Saturday, March 01, 2008

ArchJava : Home

ArchJava : Home

Software architecture describes the structure of a system, enabling more effective design, program understanding, and formal analysis. However, existing approaches decouple implementation code from architecture, allowing inconsistencies, causing confusion, violating architectural properties, and inhibiting software evolution. ArchJava is an extension to Java that seamlessly unifies software architecture with implementation, using a type system to ensure that the implementation conforms to architectural constraints. This site includes a downloadable compiler for ArchJava as well as publications describing the language, a case study, and the theory behind ArchJava.

MIT, 올 10대 유망기술 선정 - 전자신문

MIT, 올 10대 유망기술 선정