This is an example of a functional reactive program using Yampa. To run this, I assume that you have already installed GHC from
My FRP program initially clears the screen to position the cursor at an intial X and Y. It senses the user key input such as 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l' to move the cursor left, down, up, right, respectively. A character 'F' moves in a random way together. The programs terminates automatically after a specified period time.
You can install Yampa by
$ cabal install Yampa
and also you may need ANSI terminal library by
$ cabal install ansi-terminal
Here is the cursor movement program. You need to compile and run it by
$ ghc Main.hs
$ ./Main
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
module Main where
import Prelude hiding (init)
import FRP.Yampa
import System.Console.ANSI
import System.IO
import System.Random
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Data.IORef
time_to_last = 20
cursor_x0 = 40
cursor_y0 = 10
window_x = 0
window_y = 0
window_width = 80
window_height = 20
random_num = 5000
main = do
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
hSetEcho stdout False
t <- getPOSIXTime
timeRef <- newIORef t
posRef <- newIORef (cursor_x0,cursor_y0)
friend_posRef <- newIORef (cursor_x0+10,cursor_y0+10)
reactimate init (sense timeRef) (actuate posRef friend_posRef) sf
init :: IO Char
init = do
return ' '
sense :: IORef POSIXTime -> Bool -> IO (DTime, Maybe Char)
sense timeRef b = do
t' <- getPOSIXTime
t <- readIORef timeRef
let dt = realToFrac (t' - t)
writeIORef timeRef t'
maybech <- nonBlockingGetChar
return (dt, maybech)
actuate :: IORef (Int,Int) -> IORef (Int,Int) -> Bool -> (Char, Bool) -> IO Bool
actuate posRef friend_posRef b (ch, x) = do
xy <- readIORef posRef
let xy' = moveCursor ch xy
writeIORef posRef xy'
friend_xy <- readIORef friend_posRef
rnd_x <- randomRIO (-random_num,random_num) :: IO Int
rnd_y <- randomRIO (-random_num,random_num) :: IO Int
let friend_xy' =
if (rnd_x == -1 || rnd_x == 0 || rnd_x == 1)
then window (fst friend_xy + rnd_x, snd friend_xy)
else if (rnd_y == -1 || rnd_y == 0 || rnd_y == 1)
then window (fst friend_xy, snd friend_xy + rnd_y)
else friend_xy
writeIORef friend_posRef friend_xy'
if friend_xy /= friend_xy'
then do setCursorPosition (snd friend_xy) (fst friend_xy)
putStr " "
setCursorPosition (snd friend_xy') (fst friend_xy')
putStr "F"
else return ()
setCursorPosition (snd xy') (fst xy')
return x
sf :: SF Char (Char, Bool)
sf = proc x -> do
b <- arr (\t -> if t < time_to_last then False else True) <<< time -< ()
returnA -< (x, b)
-- Utility
nonBlockingGetChar :: IO (Maybe Char)
nonBlockingGetChar = do
ready <- hReady stdin
if ready
then do c <- hGetChar stdin
return (Just c)
else return (Just ' ')
moveCursor 'h' (x,y) = window (x-1, y)
moveCursor 'j' (x,y) = window (x, y+1)
moveCursor 'k' (x,y) = window (x, y-1)
moveCursor 'l' (x,y) = window (x+1, y)
moveCursor c (x,y) = window (x,y)
window (x, y) =
(if x < window_x
then window_x
else if x > window_width
then window_width
else x,
if y < window_y
then window_y
else if y > window_height
then window_height
else y)
My FRP program initially clears the screen to position the cursor at an intial X and Y. It senses the user key input such as 'h', 'j', 'k', 'l' to move the cursor left, down, up, right, respectively. A character 'F' moves in a random way together. The programs terminates automatically after a specified period time.
You can install Yampa by
$ cabal install Yampa
and also you may need ANSI terminal library by
$ cabal install ansi-terminal
Here is the cursor movement program. You need to compile and run it by
$ ghc Main.hs
$ ./Main
{-# LANGUAGE Arrows #-}
module Main where
import Prelude hiding (init)
import FRP.Yampa
import System.Console.ANSI
import System.IO
import System.Random
import Data.Time.Clock.POSIX
import Data.IORef
time_to_last = 20
cursor_x0 = 40
cursor_y0 = 10
window_x = 0
window_y = 0
window_width = 80
window_height = 20
random_num = 5000
main = do
hSetBuffering stdin NoBuffering
hSetEcho stdout False
t <- getPOSIXTime
timeRef <- newIORef t
posRef <- newIORef (cursor_x0,cursor_y0)
friend_posRef <- newIORef (cursor_x0+10,cursor_y0+10)
reactimate init (sense timeRef) (actuate posRef friend_posRef) sf
init :: IO Char
init = do
return ' '
sense :: IORef POSIXTime -> Bool -> IO (DTime, Maybe Char)
sense timeRef b = do
t' <- getPOSIXTime
t <- readIORef timeRef
let dt = realToFrac (t' - t)
writeIORef timeRef t'
maybech <- nonBlockingGetChar
return (dt, maybech)
actuate :: IORef (Int,Int) -> IORef (Int,Int) -> Bool -> (Char, Bool) -> IO Bool
actuate posRef friend_posRef b (ch, x) = do
xy <- readIORef posRef
let xy' = moveCursor ch xy
writeIORef posRef xy'
friend_xy <- readIORef friend_posRef
rnd_x <- randomRIO (-random_num,random_num) :: IO Int
rnd_y <- randomRIO (-random_num,random_num) :: IO Int
let friend_xy' =
if (rnd_x == -1 || rnd_x == 0 || rnd_x == 1)
then window (fst friend_xy + rnd_x, snd friend_xy)
else if (rnd_y == -1 || rnd_y == 0 || rnd_y == 1)
then window (fst friend_xy, snd friend_xy + rnd_y)
else friend_xy
writeIORef friend_posRef friend_xy'
if friend_xy /= friend_xy'
then do setCursorPosition (snd friend_xy) (fst friend_xy)
putStr " "
setCursorPosition (snd friend_xy') (fst friend_xy')
putStr "F"
else return ()
setCursorPosition (snd xy') (fst xy')
return x
sf :: SF Char (Char, Bool)
sf = proc x -> do
b <- arr (\t -> if t < time_to_last then False else True) <<< time -< ()
returnA -< (x, b)
-- Utility
nonBlockingGetChar :: IO (Maybe Char)
nonBlockingGetChar = do
ready <- hReady stdin
if ready
then do c <- hGetChar stdin
return (Just c)
else return (Just ' ')
moveCursor 'h' (x,y) = window (x-1, y)
moveCursor 'j' (x,y) = window (x, y+1)
moveCursor 'k' (x,y) = window (x, y-1)
moveCursor 'l' (x,y) = window (x+1, y)
moveCursor c (x,y) = window (x,y)
window (x, y) =
(if x < window_x
then window_x
else if x > window_width
then window_width
else x,
if y < window_y
then window_y
else if y > window_height
then window_height
else y)