I am happy to hear a news about Haskell support on Windows via Visual Studio Code and its extension called Haskelly. These days, my main operating system has been Windows 7 and 10. Linux is for running a web server, and Mac is for an old laptop. My students have extensively used Windows OS. For me to teach Haskell programming, I have no option but to find an appropriate IDE necessarily running on Windows. Sometime ago, I recommended Eclipse and Haskell plugin on it. Now I believe I will recommend Visual Studio Code and its extension called Haskelly for Haskell programming to my Windows-favored students.
- https://marketplace.visualstudio.com/items?itemName=UCL.haskelly
[Installation instructions]
- Install Visual Studio Code
- Run Visual Studio Code to activate the Haskelly extension
- Download a stack installer and run it
- Launch your CMD window or Windows PowerShell
- Run "stack install intero QuickCheck stack-run --install-ghc"
- stack : the name of a command for Haskell tool stack
- intero : a tool for auto-completion of names in Haskell programs
- QuickCheck : a property-based testing tool
- stack-run : an option to direct stack to compile the source codes and to run the default executable
- --install-ghc : an option to install GHC (Glasgow Haskell compiler)
- Rerun Visual Studio Code
- Open a new file named Main.hs extension to write the following
- module Main where
- main = putStrLn "Hello Haskell"
- Run it!
Note. I guess you will meet some error messages: infero does not work. But VS code may work partially for Haskell programming, though type information is not properly displayed by infero when you hover a mouse cursor over some function.
In this error, you may try the following
In this error, you may try the following
- Run "stack build intero", "stack build QuickCheck", "stack build stack-run" separately.
- It may help you to build intero and QuickCheck at least.
- But I failed to build stack-run with an error message like "In the dependencies for unix- unbuildable must match <0, but the stack configuration has no specified version"
- I do not know what solution is available for the problem.