University of Oulu at Finland
Department of Electrical and Information Engineering
핀란드 대학에서 이루어지고 있는 협력활동의 첫 번째는 산학협력이다. 세계 휴대폰 시장의 40% 정도를 점유하고 있는 노키아는 핀란드의 대표적인 기업이다. 1973년 30명의 직원으로 출발한 노키아가 세계적인 기업으로 성장한 데 있어 그 밑거름은 다름 아닌 핀란드의 우수한 교육력에 있었다. 무료 교육으로 인해 원하는 모든 학생들에게 평등한 교육기회가 주어졌고, 대학과 폴리테크닉은 ICT(Information and Communication Technology) 발전에 있어 결정적인 역할을 수행한 것이다.
노키아 본사가 위치하고 있는 오울루(Oulu)시는 헬싱키에서 북쪽으로 500km 가량 떨어진 인구 13만 명의 중소도시이다. 이 도시는 전통적으로 타르(tar)와 연어를 생산하던 도시였지만, 현재는 세계 최고의 ICT 허브로, 1999년 ‘오울루 테크노폴리스’란 이름으로 도시가 핀란드 주식시장에 상장된 말 그대로 세계 최고의 기업도시이다. 이러한 배경의 중심에 오울루 대학교가 있다. 1965년 오울루대학교(University of Oulu)에 전기·정보공학과(department of electrical and information engin-eering)가 설치되면서, 당시 학과 내의 젊고 실력 있는 교수진들은 ICT 산업의 중요성을 인식하고 연구활동에 매진하였다.
이들의 연구가 실질적으로 기업의 생산으로 이어질 수 있었던 데에는 몇 가지 이유가 있다. 그 첫 번째 이유는 국가적인 차원에서 이루어졌던 지식공유 프로그램이다. 기업이 어떠한 활동을 수행하는지에 대한 분명한 그림이 연구자들에게 제공되었기 때문에 대학의 연구자들은 기업 현장에서 바로 사용될 수 있는 연구 결과에 집중할 수 있었고, 이를 통해 대학과 기업 간의 협력이 원활하게 이루어질 수 있었던 것이다. 1980년대에 오울루지역에 최초로 테크노빌리지가 구축되었고, 이를 통해 노키아는 1990년대 사업을 확장할 수 있었다.
대학의 연구가 실질적으로 기업의 생산으로 이어질 수 있었던 두 번째 이유는 대학이 설립 당시부터 국제적인 수준에서 활동하였다는 점이다. 국제적으로 인정받는 연구 성과를 내기 위해 세계 각국으로부터 우수한 학생들을 영입해야 할 필요성을 인식하고, 대학의 국제화를 위해 애쓴 것이다. 이러한 국제화전략은 현재에서 핀란드의 대학정책에 있어 핵심적인 사항이다.
Sunday, December 28, 2008
Tuesday, December 23, 2008
GSMA RCS Programme
The GSMA RCS programme is a collaborative effort to speed up and facilitate the introduction of commercial IP Multimedia Subsystem (IMS) based rich communication services over mobile networks for both UMTS and CDMA initially and later extending to fixed networks.
Monday, December 22, 2008
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Tuesday, December 09, 2008
Sunday, December 07, 2008
Saturday, December 06, 2008
Some codec used by Gomplayer
MPEG-2 Video decoder (libmpeg2/mad)
- Codecs to play MPEG2 vide/audio
- .mpg, .m2v, .vob
- still beta version
DENNY's audio filter
- To support for codec configuration
- Support codes including AC3?
Theora video
- Theora decoder source
- Codecs to play MPEG2 vide/audio
- .mpg, .m2v, .vob
- still beta version
DENNY's audio filter
- To support for codec configuration
- Support codes including AC3?
Theora video
- Theora decoder source
Monday, December 01, 2008
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Scoville Heat Unit
The Scoville scale is a measure of the hotness.
Wednesday, November 19, 2008
Sunday, November 16, 2008
Monday, November 03, 2008
Wednesday, October 22, 2008
Tuesday, October 21, 2008
Sunday, October 12, 2008
Monday, October 06, 2008
Monday, September 29, 2008
Texas Instruments Products and Applications
1 Products
Data Converters
Power Mgmt
2 Applications
Digital Control
Optical Networking
Video & Imaging
Data Converters
Power Mgmt
2 Applications
Digital Control
Optical Networking
Video & Imaging
Wednesday, September 24, 2008 - Saving Power on Intel systems with Linux - Saving Power on Intel systems with Linux
LessWatts is about creating a community around saving power on Linux, bringing developers, users, and sysadmins together to share software, optimizations, and tips and tricks.
LessWatts is about creating a community around saving power on Linux, bringing developers, users, and sysadmins together to share software, optimizations, and tips and tricks.
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Ari Jaaksi's Blog
Ari Jaaksi's Blog
I'm heading software teams @ Nokia. I'm responsible for our Linux and open source based software and strategy. This includes, among other things,, and software on our Internet Tablets.
I'm heading software teams @ Nokia. I'm responsible for our Linux and open source based software and strategy. This includes, among other things,, and software on our Internet Tablets.
Friday, September 19, 2008
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tuesday, September 16, 2008
Saturday, September 13, 2008
Thursday, September 11, 2008
Tuesday, September 09, 2008
Sunday, September 07, 2008
Saturday, September 06, 2008
Tuesday, September 02, 2008
The FreeType Project
The FreeType Project
FreeType provides a set of apis that enable to access font contents of any type.
FreeType provides a set of apis that enable to access font contents of any type.
A meandering bibliography of font related things
A meandering bibliography of font related things
Font File Formats
Other Encodings
Font Related tools
Font File Formats
Postscript Type1
Supplement (discussion of multiple master fonts & counter hints)
Postscript unicode character names
PostScript Language Reference Manual
PostScript Multiple Master
Type1 MM format specification (in the Type1 Supplement)
Design considerations
Naming requirements
Type2 (In March of 2000, Adobe removed multiple master support from Type2 and CFF files)
Type2 MM format specification (In OBSOLETE type2 spec)
CFF MM format specification (In OBSOLETE CFF spec)
CID keyed fonts
PostSript Type2
Compact Font Format Specification (CFF)
For more information see under OpenType fonts
PostScript Type3
PostScript Language Reference Manual 3.0 (see section 5.7)
PostScript Type14 (Chameleon)
The PLRM (5.8.1) documents that this font format is undocumented.
PostScript Type42
I can't find microsoft's docs for pfm files any more, I think the format may be obsolete having been replaced by ntf.
Adobe's notes on PFM files for two byte fonts
This format is supposed to replace the pfm files above in windows >2000. I can't find any docs on it.
ABF -- Binary format
Extensions to BDF for greymap support
True Type Standard
(Sadly different sources have slightly different definitions of less important parts of the standard, be warned)
Apple (I find Apple's prose difficult, and sometimes misleading. I suggest using a different source when possible)
random useful site
TTC -- True Type Font Collection
Apple Advanced Typography extensions to TrueType
OpenType (postscript embedded in a truetype wrapper, or advanced typography tables in a truetype wrapper)
Postscript Type2
Adobe's version of file format
Microsoft's version
Possible source of script codes for scripts not specified by MS/Adobe: ISO 15924
Apple's sfnt wrapper around a PS type1 font
Postscript Type42 (the opposite of opentype, it's truetype embedded in postscript)
SVG 1.1 fonts
SVG 1.2 font hinting proposal
Macintosh font formats
Windows raster font formats
FNT -- Windows version 2
FNT -- Windows version 3
Some info on FON file format
X11 pcf format
Sadly there is no real standard for this. There's the source code used by X11.
So I wrote my own description...
TeX font formats
pk packed bitmap format
gf generic font (bitmap) format
tfm metrics format
To make these viewable you probably want to do something like:
$ weave pktype.web
$ pdftex pktype.tex
Palm pilot fonts (pdb? files)
I haven't found a good description
OpenDoc. Sadly Proprietary so I shan't support it.
Acorn RISC OS font format (these fonts are often zipped up with a non-standard zip).
Ikarus IK format is documented in Peter Karow's book Digital Formats for Typefaces, Appendices G&I. (copies may still be available from URW++)
Interestingly the exact format of a curve is up to the interpretation program.
sfd files (PfaEdit's internal spline font database format)
Other font links
Adobe's downloadable font spec
Adobe's technical notes
Adobe's Font Policies document
Postscript reference manual
(old reference manual)
Microsoft's downloadable fonts
Downloadable PS CID CJK fonts (this site also has cmap files)
Downloadable OTF CID CJK fonts (this site also has cmap files)
Most recent cid2code tables that I'm aware of
From MS
Panose font classification scheme
Unicode consortium
Apple's corporate use extensions (0xF850-0xF8FE)
Adobe's corporate use extensions (0xF634-0F7FF) (also includes some of Apple's codes above)
PfaEdit's corporate use extensions (0xF500-0xF580)
A registry of code points in the private area (does not include any of Adobe's or Apple's codepoints)
MicroSoft uses 0xF000-0xF0FF in their "Symbol" encoding (3,0) when they want to an uninterpretted encoding vector (ie. a mapping from byte to glyph with no meaning attached to the mapping)
Pictures of the characters
Unicode script assignments
Postscript Unicode names
Glyph names for new fonts (these are the names PfaEdit automatically assigns to glyphs)
Adobe Glyph Names provides further synonyms
Glyph name limitations.
Linux issues
Linux Unicode man page
Other Encodings
Microsoft's Codepages, and at the unicode site
Mac Encodings
GB 18030
TeX latin encodings (possibly also on your local machine in /usr/share/texmf/dvips/base)
TeX cyrillic encodings
Font editor concepts
Karow, Peter, 1994, Font Technology, Description and Tools
Karow, Peter, 1987, Digital Formats for Typefaces
Hoenig, Alan TeX Unbound: LaTeX and TeX Strategies for Fonts, Graphics & More
Knuth, Donald, 1979, TeX and METAFONT, New Directions in Typesetting
Font File Formats
Other Encodings
Font Related tools
Font File Formats
Postscript Type1
Supplement (discussion of multiple master fonts & counter hints)
Postscript unicode character names
PostScript Language Reference Manual
PostScript Multiple Master
Type1 MM format specification (in the Type1 Supplement)
Design considerations
Naming requirements
Type2 (In March of 2000, Adobe removed multiple master support from Type2 and CFF files)
Type2 MM format specification (In OBSOLETE type2 spec)
CFF MM format specification (In OBSOLETE CFF spec)
CID keyed fonts
PostSript Type2
Compact Font Format Specification (CFF)
For more information see under OpenType fonts
PostScript Type3
PostScript Language Reference Manual 3.0 (see section 5.7)
PostScript Type14 (Chameleon)
The PLRM (5.8.1) documents that this font format is undocumented.
PostScript Type42
I can't find microsoft's docs for pfm files any more, I think the format may be obsolete having been replaced by ntf.
Adobe's notes on PFM files for two byte fonts
This format is supposed to replace the pfm files above in windows >2000. I can't find any docs on it.
ABF -- Binary format
Extensions to BDF for greymap support
True Type Standard
(Sadly different sources have slightly different definitions of less important parts of the standard, be warned)
Apple (I find Apple's prose difficult, and sometimes misleading. I suggest using a different source when possible)
random useful site
TTC -- True Type Font Collection
Apple Advanced Typography extensions to TrueType
OpenType (postscript embedded in a truetype wrapper, or advanced typography tables in a truetype wrapper)
Postscript Type2
Adobe's version of file format
Microsoft's version
Possible source of script codes for scripts not specified by MS/Adobe: ISO 15924
Apple's sfnt wrapper around a PS type1 font
Postscript Type42 (the opposite of opentype, it's truetype embedded in postscript)
SVG 1.1 fonts
SVG 1.2 font hinting proposal
Macintosh font formats
Windows raster font formats
FNT -- Windows version 2
FNT -- Windows version 3
Some info on FON file format
X11 pcf format
Sadly there is no real standard for this. There's the source code used by X11.
So I wrote my own description...
TeX font formats
pk packed bitmap format
gf generic font (bitmap) format
tfm metrics format
To make these viewable you probably want to do something like:
$ weave pktype.web
$ pdftex pktype.tex
Palm pilot fonts (pdb? files)
I haven't found a good description
OpenDoc. Sadly Proprietary so I shan't support it.
Acorn RISC OS font format (these fonts are often zipped up with a non-standard zip).
Ikarus IK format is documented in Peter Karow's book Digital Formats for Typefaces, Appendices G&I. (copies may still be available from URW++)
Interestingly the exact format of a curve is up to the interpretation program.
sfd files (PfaEdit's internal spline font database format)
Other font links
Adobe's downloadable font spec
Adobe's technical notes
Adobe's Font Policies document
Postscript reference manual
(old reference manual)
Microsoft's downloadable fonts
Downloadable PS CID CJK fonts (this site also has cmap files)
Downloadable OTF CID CJK fonts (this site also has cmap files)
Most recent cid2code tables that I'm aware of
From MS
Panose font classification scheme
Unicode consortium
Apple's corporate use extensions (0xF850-0xF8FE)
Adobe's corporate use extensions (0xF634-0F7FF) (also includes some of Apple's codes above)
PfaEdit's corporate use extensions (0xF500-0xF580)
A registry of code points in the private area (does not include any of Adobe's or Apple's codepoints)
MicroSoft uses 0xF000-0xF0FF in their "Symbol" encoding (3,0) when they want to an uninterpretted encoding vector (ie. a mapping from byte to glyph with no meaning attached to the mapping)
Pictures of the characters
Unicode script assignments
Postscript Unicode names
Glyph names for new fonts (these are the names PfaEdit automatically assigns to glyphs)
Adobe Glyph Names provides further synonyms
Glyph name limitations.
Linux issues
Linux Unicode man page
Other Encodings
Microsoft's Codepages, and at the unicode site
Mac Encodings
GB 18030
TeX latin encodings (possibly also on your local machine in /usr/share/texmf/dvips/base)
TeX cyrillic encodings
Font editor concepts
Karow, Peter, 1994, Font Technology, Description and Tools
Karow, Peter, 1987, Digital Formats for Typefaces
Hoenig, Alan TeX Unbound: LaTeX and TeX Strategies for Fonts, Graphics & More
Knuth, Donald, 1979, TeX and METAFONT, New Directions in Typesetting
OMAP ZOOM is a collaborative development site that provides the resources to take advantage of the low power, high performance mobile computing features of the OMAPTM 3 product family. The site bears the name of the first development platform that was hosted here, the OMAPTM platform-based Zoom Mobile Development Kit.
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Orderable through LogicPD distributors is a collaborative development site that provides the resources to take advantage of the low power, high performance mobile computing features of the OMAPTM 3 product family. The site bears the name of the first development platform that was hosted here, the OMAPTM platform-based Zoom Mobile Development Kit.
In addition to hardware related information on the OMAP platform-based Zoom project, we are hosting several software repositories including accelerated mobile multimedia libraries and a development tree for emerging OMAP platform-based Linux kernel features. We are still in the process of populating certain projects and filling out wiki entries to document each project. So ... join a project, experiment with the hardware, and contribute to improving the content.
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Saturday, August 30, 2008
Monday, August 25, 2008
Motorola Linux Native Development Tools
Motorola yesterday made the first-ever release of native development tools for its Linux-based mobile phones. MotoDev Studio for Linux 0.3 is a freely downloadable, Eclipse-based toolsuite aimed at helping third-party and community Linux developers create, test, and certify apps for the newest Motorola phone models.
Motorola yesterday made the first-ever release of native development tools for its Linux-based mobile phones. MotoDev Studio for Linux 0.3 is a freely downloadable, Eclipse-based toolsuite aimed at helping third-party and community Linux developers create, test, and certify apps for the newest Motorola phone models.
Saturday, August 23, 2008
David Crystal's top 10 books on the English language | Books |
Series: Top 10sPrevious | Next | Index David Crystal's top 10 books on the English, Wednesday September 20 2006 00:00 BST Article historyProfessor David Crystal is one the world's foremost linguistic experts. His latest book, The Fight for English (published by OUP) assesses the debate over rights and wrongs in English usage, with examples from early modern English via Shakespeare and Samuel Johnson to our modern developments such as email and texting, and explains why he believes that when it comes to spelling and grammar, we should say no to zero tolerance. He chooses his favourite books on the English language.
1. The Oxford English Dictionary
If I were ever asked which book I would to take to a desert island, I would opt immediately for the second edition of the unabridged Oxford English Dictionary - or OED, as it is popularly called - and hope that the island had an electricity supply so that I could download the online version or use the CD. It is without doubt the most comprehensive and detailed account of the history of English vocabulary ever. Its process of continual editorial revision provides a voyage of linguistic discovery that, I am happy to say, never comes to an end.
2. The Use of English by Randolph Quirk
This is the book that opened my eyes - and the eyes of several generations of English students - to the range, versatility, and flexibility of the English language. It brought home the importance of always linking the study of language to the study of literature, and in its range of examples from both linguistic and literary sources it gives a perfect illustration of how the subject should be taught. There was a second edition in 1968, and in 1990 it was replaced by English in Use, which Quirk co-wrote with his wife, Gabriele Stein. But nothing could replace the freshness and impact of the original volume.
3. A History of the English Language by Albert C Baugh
This book just goes on and on. I used its second (1957) edition when I was an undergraduate and was fascinated by both the range of its coverage and the depth of its treatment. It manages to pack an enormous amount of illustrative detail into its 450 or so pages. Numerous other histories of the language have since been written, but this one holds a special place for its balanced views and accessible scholarship.
4. Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases
No name has come to be more synonymous with "thesaurus" than Roget's. He has even become a common noun: I have "a Roget" on my shelves. Indeed I have a dozen Rogets, as his thesaurus has now appeared in numerous editions, and has been revised, expanded, and abridged more times than any other. It was a truly remarkable work for its period, and anyone who has tried to update it or rework its content (as I have) cannot fail to recognise the enormous labour that went into its compilation. It is the best first source of reference we have for those many occasions when we are dimly aware of the meaning we want to express and are searching for the best word with which to express it.
5. Mother Tongue by Bill Bryson
I have the greatest of admiration for non-specialists who take an interest in a subject and explore it with respect and accuracy, adding a level of accessibility and an individual slant that academics would do well to emulate. Few have succeeded; and none have succeeded so well as Bill Bryson in this book. It's a delightful, easy-to-read survey - though with its good humour, wealth of anecdote, and boyish enthusiasm, "romp" would be a better word.
6. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language by Randolph Quirk, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech, Jan Svartvik
This was the grammar I had been waiting for since the 1960s - the first real "reference grammar" of modern times. If you think of a dictionary as a reference lexicon - a book in which you can look up any word you want and find out all about it - then this book did the same for grammar - or, at least, it moved closer to that goal than any previous work had done. The Quirk Grammar, as it is often called, is still the book to which I most often refer when exploring a point of English grammatical usage.
7. The Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English by Douglas Biber, Stig Johansson, Geoffrey Leech, Susan Conrad, Edward Finegan
The Quirk Grammar was comprehensive in scope, but limited in the statistical information it provided about the different styles of English usage. LGSWE (pronounced "log-swee") was the first to start filling that gap. It provided a huge amount of data about the differences between British and American grammar, as well as about several important genres - conversation, fiction, news, and academic prose. Because its descriptive framework was largely the same as the Quirk Grammar, it proved easy to relate the findings of the two books. I'm always delving into this book.
8. The Cambridge History of the English Language (editor-in-chief, Richard M Hogg)
This amazing project was years in the making, and appeared over a decade from 1992. I'm not surprised it took so long. Marshalling some 50 academics to write major accounts of their field - in some cases, of 100 or so pages - and getting them to submit their pieces on time must have been a Herculean task. In fact, of course, some of them didn't submit on time, which is why the project took so long! But it was worth it, despite the wait: nothing is likely to match this history for its range and depth of coverage for a very long time.
9. The Cambridge Guide to English Usage by Pam Peters
If you find it helpful to go to Fowler, Gowers, Partridge, or any of the other famous pundits of the past for advice about English usage, then you will value this book. It is the first usage guide to benefit from the computer age. It is solidly based on a corpus of real data, and it is the first book to be truly international, providing information about differences between British, American, Australian, and other regional variants of English. It points the way forward towards the new, internet-fuelled genre of usage guides that will surely emerge in the present century.
10. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language by David Crystal
I am often asked which of my own books on this subject I have most enjoyed writing. It is a difficult call, because I always enjoy whatever I happen to be writing, and for that brief period the ongoing project is the most important thing in the history of the universe. But this encyclopedia was special. It gave me the opportunity to present, for the first time, a full-colour illustrated account of English, and offered me a collaboration with publisher, picture-researcher, photographer and designer which was both challenging and highly creative. And it all started because the son of a friend asked me why he couldn't find a book on the English language with pictures in it.
1. The Oxford English Dictionary
If I were ever asked which book I would to take to a desert island, I would opt immediately for the second edition of the unabridged Oxford English Dictionary - or OED, as it is popularly called - and hope that the island had an electricity supply so that I could download the online version or use the CD. It is without doubt the most comprehensive and detailed account of the history of English vocabulary ever. Its process of continual editorial revision provides a voyage of linguistic discovery that, I am happy to say, never comes to an end.
2. The Use of English by Randolph Quirk
This is the book that opened my eyes - and the eyes of several generations of English students - to the range, versatility, and flexibility of the English language. It brought home the importance of always linking the study of language to the study of literature, and in its range of examples from both linguistic and literary sources it gives a perfect illustration of how the subject should be taught. There was a second edition in 1968, and in 1990 it was replaced by English in Use, which Quirk co-wrote with his wife, Gabriele Stein. But nothing could replace the freshness and impact of the original volume.
3. A History of the English Language by Albert C Baugh
This book just goes on and on. I used its second (1957) edition when I was an undergraduate and was fascinated by both the range of its coverage and the depth of its treatment. It manages to pack an enormous amount of illustrative detail into its 450 or so pages. Numerous other histories of the language have since been written, but this one holds a special place for its balanced views and accessible scholarship.
4. Roget's Thesaurus of English Words and Phrases
No name has come to be more synonymous with "thesaurus" than Roget's. He has even become a common noun: I have "a Roget" on my shelves. Indeed I have a dozen Rogets, as his thesaurus has now appeared in numerous editions, and has been revised, expanded, and abridged more times than any other. It was a truly remarkable work for its period, and anyone who has tried to update it or rework its content (as I have) cannot fail to recognise the enormous labour that went into its compilation. It is the best first source of reference we have for those many occasions when we are dimly aware of the meaning we want to express and are searching for the best word with which to express it.
5. Mother Tongue by Bill Bryson
I have the greatest of admiration for non-specialists who take an interest in a subject and explore it with respect and accuracy, adding a level of accessibility and an individual slant that academics would do well to emulate. Few have succeeded; and none have succeeded so well as Bill Bryson in this book. It's a delightful, easy-to-read survey - though with its good humour, wealth of anecdote, and boyish enthusiasm, "romp" would be a better word.
6. A Comprehensive Grammar of the English Language by Randolph Quirk, Sidney Greenbaum, Geoffrey Leech, Jan Svartvik
This was the grammar I had been waiting for since the 1960s - the first real "reference grammar" of modern times. If you think of a dictionary as a reference lexicon - a book in which you can look up any word you want and find out all about it - then this book did the same for grammar - or, at least, it moved closer to that goal than any previous work had done. The Quirk Grammar, as it is often called, is still the book to which I most often refer when exploring a point of English grammatical usage.
7. The Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English by Douglas Biber, Stig Johansson, Geoffrey Leech, Susan Conrad, Edward Finegan
The Quirk Grammar was comprehensive in scope, but limited in the statistical information it provided about the different styles of English usage. LGSWE (pronounced "log-swee") was the first to start filling that gap. It provided a huge amount of data about the differences between British and American grammar, as well as about several important genres - conversation, fiction, news, and academic prose. Because its descriptive framework was largely the same as the Quirk Grammar, it proved easy to relate the findings of the two books. I'm always delving into this book.
8. The Cambridge History of the English Language (editor-in-chief, Richard M Hogg)
This amazing project was years in the making, and appeared over a decade from 1992. I'm not surprised it took so long. Marshalling some 50 academics to write major accounts of their field - in some cases, of 100 or so pages - and getting them to submit their pieces on time must have been a Herculean task. In fact, of course, some of them didn't submit on time, which is why the project took so long! But it was worth it, despite the wait: nothing is likely to match this history for its range and depth of coverage for a very long time.
9. The Cambridge Guide to English Usage by Pam Peters
If you find it helpful to go to Fowler, Gowers, Partridge, or any of the other famous pundits of the past for advice about English usage, then you will value this book. It is the first usage guide to benefit from the computer age. It is solidly based on a corpus of real data, and it is the first book to be truly international, providing information about differences between British, American, Australian, and other regional variants of English. It points the way forward towards the new, internet-fuelled genre of usage guides that will surely emerge in the present century.
10. The Cambridge Encyclopedia of the English Language by David Crystal
I am often asked which of my own books on this subject I have most enjoyed writing. It is a difficult call, because I always enjoy whatever I happen to be writing, and for that brief period the ongoing project is the most important thing in the history of the universe. But this encyclopedia was special. It gave me the opportunity to present, for the first time, a full-colour illustrated account of English, and offered me a collaboration with publisher, picture-researcher, photographer and designer which was both challenging and highly creative. And it all started because the son of a friend asked me why he couldn't find a book on the English language with pictures in it.
Wednesday, August 20, 2008
gSOAP: SOAP C++ Web Services
gSOAP: SOAP C++ Web Services
The gSOAP Web services development toolkit offers a comprehensive XML C and C++ data binding through autocoding to ease the development of SOAP/XML Web services in C and C/C++. Most toolkits for C++ Web services adopt a document-centric (SOAP/XML centric) view. This often forces a user to adapt the application logic to these XML representations. In contrast, gSOAP provides a transparent SOAP/XML data binding API through the use of proven compiler technologies. These technologies leverage strong typing to map XML schemas to C/C++ definitions and vice versa. Strong typing provides a greater assurance on content validation of both WSDL/XSD schemas and SOAP/XML messages. The gSOAP compiler generates efficient XML serializers for native and user-defined C and C++ data types. As a result, SOAP/XML interoperability is achieved with a simple API relieving the user from the burden of WSDL, SOAP, and XML details, thus enabling him or her to concentrate on the application-essential logic. The compiler enables the integration of (legacy) C/C++ and Fortran codes (through a Fortran to C interface), embedded systems, and real-time software in SOAP applications that share computational resources and information with other Web services, possibly across different platforms, language environments, and disparate organizations located behind firewalls.
The gSOAP Web services development toolkit offers a comprehensive XML C and C++ data binding through autocoding to ease the development of SOAP/XML Web services in C and C/C++. Most toolkits for C++ Web services adopt a document-centric (SOAP/XML centric) view. This often forces a user to adapt the application logic to these XML representations. In contrast, gSOAP provides a transparent SOAP/XML data binding API through the use of proven compiler technologies. These technologies leverage strong typing to map XML schemas to C/C++ definitions and vice versa. Strong typing provides a greater assurance on content validation of both WSDL/XSD schemas and SOAP/XML messages. The gSOAP compiler generates efficient XML serializers for native and user-defined C and C++ data types. As a result, SOAP/XML interoperability is achieved with a simple API relieving the user from the burden of WSDL, SOAP, and XML details, thus enabling him or her to concentrate on the application-essential logic. The compiler enables the integration of (legacy) C/C++ and Fortran codes (through a Fortran to C interface), embedded systems, and real-time software in SOAP applications that share computational resources and information with other Web services, possibly across different platforms, language environments, and disparate organizations located behind firewalls.
WS4D - Web Services for Devices
WS4D - Web Services for Devices
Web Services for Devices (WS4D) is an initiative bringing Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Web services technology to the application domains of industrial automation, home entertainment, automotive systems and telecommunication systems. WS4D advances results of the ITEA project SIRENA and is managed by the University of Rostock, University of Dortmund and MATERNA.
WS4D is all about using internet technologies like XML, HTTP and Web Services to connect resource-constrained devices in ad hoc networks and still conserve interoperability with Web services as specified by the W3C. This enables the usage of high level concepts for Web services also in low level distributed embedded systems. So WS4D provides technologies for easy setup and management of network-connected devices in distributed embedded systems.
The WS4D toolkits available on this site comply to the Devices Profile for Web Services (DPWS). The toolkit based on gSOAP is targeted for small resource-constrained devices and can be used to implement DPWS compliant devices with the C programming language. The toolkit based on J2ME is also targeted for small and resource-constrained devices to implement DPWS compliant devices in Java. The third toolkit is based on Axis2 an Apache project and is targeted for resource rich implementations to connect DPWS compliant devices with the Web services world.
At the moment DPWS is part of the “Network-connected Devices”-program of Microsoft and integrated in their latest operating system Windows Vista. Microsoft uses DPWS to integrate network devices like printers or beamers as devices into Windows Vista. The WS4D toolkits are tested for the interoperability with Windows Vista.
Web Services for Devices (WS4D) is an initiative bringing Service-Oriented Architecture (SOA) and Web services technology to the application domains of industrial automation, home entertainment, automotive systems and telecommunication systems. WS4D advances results of the ITEA project SIRENA and is managed by the University of Rostock, University of Dortmund and MATERNA.
WS4D is all about using internet technologies like XML, HTTP and Web Services to connect resource-constrained devices in ad hoc networks and still conserve interoperability with Web services as specified by the W3C. This enables the usage of high level concepts for Web services also in low level distributed embedded systems. So WS4D provides technologies for easy setup and management of network-connected devices in distributed embedded systems.
The WS4D toolkits available on this site comply to the Devices Profile for Web Services (DPWS). The toolkit based on gSOAP is targeted for small resource-constrained devices and can be used to implement DPWS compliant devices with the C programming language. The toolkit based on J2ME is also targeted for small and resource-constrained devices to implement DPWS compliant devices in Java. The third toolkit is based on Axis2 an Apache project and is targeted for resource rich implementations to connect DPWS compliant devices with the Web services world.
At the moment DPWS is part of the “Network-connected Devices”-program of Microsoft and integrated in their latest operating system Windows Vista. Microsoft uses DPWS to integrate network devices like printers or beamers as devices into Windows Vista. The WS4D toolkits are tested for the interoperability with Windows Vista.
Welcome to the UPnP™ Forum!
Welcome to the UPnP™ Forum!
The UPnP™ Forum is an industry initiative designed to enable simple and robust connectivity among consumer electronics, intelligent appliances and mobile devices from many different vendors. As a group, we are dedicated to making the connected home and lifestyle mainstream experiences for consumers - and great opportunities for the industry.
The UPnP™ Forum is an industry initiative designed to enable simple and robust connectivity among consumer electronics, intelligent appliances and mobile devices from many different vendors. As a group, we are dedicated to making the connected home and lifestyle mainstream experiences for consumers - and great opportunities for the industry.
UI Toolkit
UI Toolkits
- Movial IXS Toolkit
* Browser-based UI Toolkit
* [LiMo Contribution] Browser D-Bus Bridge
@ It translates HTML and Javascript commands to D-Bus commands.
@ It can provide a browser-based UI for the LiMo stack and makes it possible for applications to initiate platform services, like media engines and instant messaging engines on mobile devices enabling Web developers and designers, operators and device manufacturers to add browser-based User Interfaces easily.
* Support latest Web2.0, Ajax, Javascript, XML
* Access to the device APIs
* Transitions and gestures
* able to run on one of
@ WebKit
@ Mozilla
- LWUIT running on
* SUN, Open source
* Widgets, Transitions
* running on one of
@ CLDC1.1, MIDP2.0
@ CDC, PBP (Personal Basis Profile)
@ SE
- Movial IXS Toolkit
* Browser-based UI Toolkit
* [LiMo Contribution] Browser D-Bus Bridge
@ It translates HTML and Javascript commands to D-Bus commands.
@ It can provide a browser-based UI for the LiMo stack and makes it possible for applications to initiate platform services, like media engines and instant messaging engines on mobile devices enabling Web developers and designers, operators and device manufacturers to add browser-based User Interfaces easily.
* Support latest Web2.0, Ajax, Javascript, XML
* Access to the device APIs
* Transitions and gestures
* able to run on one of
@ WebKit
@ Mozilla
- LWUIT running on
* SUN, Open source
* Widgets, Transitions
* running on one of
@ CLDC1.1, MIDP2.0
@ CDC, PBP (Personal Basis Profile)
@ SE
Tuesday, August 19, 2008
Monday, August 18, 2008
Sunday, August 17, 2008
Tuesday, August 12, 2008
GPL Violations
The project tries to raise public awareness about past and present infringing use(r)s of GPL licensed software.
The project tries to raise public awareness about past and present infringing use(r)s of GPL licensed software.
MAD (MPEG Audio Decoder)
MAD is a high-quality MPEG audio decoder. It currently supports MPEG-1 and the MPEG-2 extension to lower sampling frequencies, as well as the de facto MPEG 2.5 format. All three audio layers — Layer I, Layer II, and Layer III (i.e. MP3) — are fully implemented.
MAD does not yet support MPEG-2 multichannel audio (although it should be backward compatible with such streams) nor does it currently support AAC.
MAD is a high-quality MPEG audio decoder. It currently supports MPEG-1 and the MPEG-2 extension to lower sampling frequencies, as well as the de facto MPEG 2.5 format. All three audio layers — Layer I, Layer II, and Layer III (i.e. MP3) — are fully implemented.
MAD does not yet support MPEG-2 multichannel audio (although it should be backward compatible with such streams) nor does it currently support AAC.
ID3 v2
ID3 is a very popular audio file data tagging format in active use by software and hardware developers around the world. ID3 tags are supported in software such as iTunes, Windows Media Player, Winamp, YME, MusicMatch and hardware players like the iPod, Creative Zen, Toshiba Gigabeat and Sony Walkman.
An ID3 tag is a data container within an MP3 audio file stored in a prescribed format. This data commonly contains the Artist name, Song title, Year and Genre of the current audio file. This website contains the format standards information for the ID3 tagging data container. If you've read this far and are confused, check the ID3v2Easy page for a short, low-tech introduction.
ID3 is a very popular audio file data tagging format in active use by software and hardware developers around the world. ID3 tags are supported in software such as iTunes, Windows Media Player, Winamp, YME, MusicMatch and hardware players like the iPod, Creative Zen, Toshiba Gigabeat and Sony Walkman.
An ID3 tag is a data container within an MP3 audio file stored in a prescribed format. This data commonly contains the Artist name, Song title, Year and Genre of the current audio file. This website contains the format standards information for the ID3 tagging data container. If you've read this far and are confused, check the ID3v2Easy page for a short, low-tech introduction.
Document Formats
Open Office XML format
Open Document format
- Implemented By office suite
Open Document format
- Implemented By office suite
Wednesday, July 30, 2008
Tuesday, July 29, 2008
Thursday, July 24, 2008
Friday, July 18, 2008
Cloud Computing
애플, "오픈소스 기반 RIA 기술 쓰겠다"
기사입력 2008-06-18 17:42
[지디넷코리아] 애플의 오픈소스 소프트웨어 끌어안기가 갈수록 탄력을 받고 있다.
애플은 클라우드 컴퓨팅 서비스 '모바일미'(MobileMe) 같은 서비스에 리치 인터넷 애플리케이션(RIA) 환경을 제공하기위해 스프라우트 코어(Sprout core)로 불리우는 오픈소스 프로젝트를 사용할 것이라고 씨넷이 17일(현지시간) 보도했다.
이같은 행보는 특정 업체 표준에 종속되는 것을 막기위한 것이다. 씨넷은 "스프라우트 코어는 애플에게 특정 기술에 종속되지 않고 인터넷 서비스의 사용자 경험을 강화하는데 기여할 것이다"고 전했다.
애플은 그동안 어도비 RIA 기술 플래시에 대해 불편한 입장을 보여왔다. 스티브 잡스 애플 CEO는 아이폰에 플래시를 적용하는 것과 관련 "플래시는 무겁다"고 지적하기도 했다.
황치규 기자 (
Sprout Core란?
SproutCore is an open source JavaScripting framework. Its goal is to allow developers to create web applications with advanced capabilities and the feel of desktop applications. It uses Ruby to generate static HTML and JavaScript files. SproutCore, initially created in 2007 by SproutIT as the basis for their Mailroom application, is available under the MIT License.
Apple announced at the WWDC 2008 that SproutCore would be the basis of their push into creating cross-platform applications, tying in with their Cocoa API. It is expected that Apple will use SproutCore to directly compete with Adobe's Flash and Microsoft's Silverlight[1]. Apple built much of their MobileMe service using SproutCore.
애플, "오픈소스 기반 RIA 기술 쓰겠다"
기사입력 2008-06-18 17:42
[지디넷코리아] 애플의 오픈소스 소프트웨어 끌어안기가 갈수록 탄력을 받고 있다.
애플은 클라우드 컴퓨팅 서비스 '모바일미'(MobileMe) 같은 서비스에 리치 인터넷 애플리케이션(RIA) 환경을 제공하기위해 스프라우트 코어(Sprout core)로 불리우는 오픈소스 프로젝트를 사용할 것이라고 씨넷이 17일(현지시간) 보도했다.
이같은 행보는 특정 업체 표준에 종속되는 것을 막기위한 것이다. 씨넷은 "스프라우트 코어는 애플에게 특정 기술에 종속되지 않고 인터넷 서비스의 사용자 경험을 강화하는데 기여할 것이다"고 전했다.
애플은 그동안 어도비 RIA 기술 플래시에 대해 불편한 입장을 보여왔다. 스티브 잡스 애플 CEO는 아이폰에 플래시를 적용하는 것과 관련 "플래시는 무겁다"고 지적하기도 했다.
황치규 기자 (
Sprout Core란?
SproutCore is an open source JavaScripting framework. Its goal is to allow developers to create web applications with advanced capabilities and the feel of desktop applications. It uses Ruby to generate static HTML and JavaScript files. SproutCore, initially created in 2007 by SproutIT as the basis for their Mailroom application, is available under the MIT License.
Apple announced at the WWDC 2008 that SproutCore would be the basis of their push into creating cross-platform applications, tying in with their Cocoa API. It is expected that Apple will use SproutCore to directly compete with Adobe's Flash and Microsoft's Silverlight[1]. Apple built much of their MobileMe service using SproutCore.
Thursday, July 10, 2008
the Web Service, SOA and SOAP Testing Tool - soapUI
the Web Service, SOA and SOAP Testing Tool - soapUI
The soapUI is designed to simplify the testing of your Web services; I also find it useful for interacting with third-party Web services to get a better idea of what to expect in the response, as well as what to include in the response.
-- Tony Patton
The soapUI is designed to simplify the testing of your Web services; I also find it useful for interacting with third-party Web services to get a better idea of what to expect in the response, as well as what to include in the response.
-- Tony Patton
Monday, June 16, 2008
Mobile Web Development Communities
* Vodafone Betavine
An open community and mobile development resource hub (A Vodafone Group R&D Lab)
Sunday, June 15, 2008
Coverity's Next Geration Static Analysis
1st Gen. : Pattern-based, Lint
2nd Gen. : Path coverage, Stanford Checker
3rd Gen. : SAT-based, reduction of False positive and noise, Patent-pending Coverity's tool
2nd Gen. : Path coverage, Stanford Checker
3rd Gen. : SAT-based, reduction of False positive and noise, Patent-pending Coverity's tool
Saturday, June 07, 2008
Monday, June 02, 2008
Bluetooth Programming
* Marcel Holtmann, “The BlueZ towards a wireless world of penguins”, InProceedings of the Linux Symposium 2005, pages 239-244, Vol. 1, 2005.1
* Albert Huang, An Introduction to Bluetooth programming in GNU/Linux,, June 2006.
* ST Microelectronics, Bluetooth Application Note - Procedure to run BlueZStack -, Oct. 2006.2
* Bluetooth SIG, Bluetooth Specification Documents3
Thursday, May 29, 2008
:: Nikkei Electronic Asia Korea
[2006 휴대폰·프로세서 시장 동향 및 분석 3] 휴대폰용 프로세서 시장 동향
- 베이스밴드 중심의 통합화 對 애플리케이션 중심의 고성능화
:: Nikkei Electronic Asia Korea
- 베이스밴드 중심의 통합화 對 애플리케이션 중심의 고성능화
:: Nikkei Electronic Asia Korea
Friday, May 23, 2008
Saturday, May 17, 2008
Thursday, May 15, 2008
Data portability
DataPortability is an effort by a group of volunteers and Internet application vendors to promote the capability to control, share, and move data from one system to another.
In January 2008, several major web industry players joined: Google, Facebook and Plaxo on 8 January 2008,[1] followed by Drupal, Netvibes and Mystrands,[2] and then LinkedIn, Flickr, Six Apart and Twitter,[3] as well as Digg[4] and Microsoft.[5]
There are numerous open standards, microformats, and protocols that currently enable various aspects of data portability. These include APML, FOAF, hCard, OAuth, OpenID, OPML, RDF, RSS, SIOC, the XHTML Friends Network (XFN), XRI, and XDI.
In January 2008, several major web industry players joined: Google, Facebook and Plaxo on 8 January 2008,[1] followed by Drupal, Netvibes and Mystrands,[2] and then LinkedIn, Flickr, Six Apart and Twitter,[3] as well as Digg[4] and Microsoft.[5]
There are numerous open standards, microformats, and protocols that currently enable various aspects of data portability. These include APML, FOAF, hCard, OAuth, OpenID, OPML, RDF, RSS, SIOC, the XHTML Friends Network (XFN), XRI, and XDI.
Monday, May 12, 2008
Tuesday, May 06, 2008
Wednesday, April 30, 2008
Prelink / prelinking
Address space randomization
- MacOSX : quickstart
- Solaris : crle
- Linux : prelink
Address space randomization
- MacOSX : quickstart
- Solaris : crle
- Linux : prelink
Monday, April 28, 2008
Survey of Various Mobile Software Platforms
Android / gPhone / iPhone / JavaFX / JavaME / JSR234 / JTWI / LiMo / Maemo / MIDP / MSA / OpenMoko / PhoneMe / SCMAD / WebKit
Various SDKs
Android / gPhone / iPhone / JavaFX / JavaME / JSR234 / JTWI / LiMo / Maemo / MIDP / MSA / OpenMoko / PhoneMe / SCMAD / WebKit
Various SDKs
Tuesday, April 22, 2008
Sunday, April 20, 2008
Wednesday, April 16, 2008
Sunday, April 13, 2008
Monday, April 07, 2008
Friday, April 04, 2008
Thursday, April 03, 2008
Thursday, March 27, 2008
Home (OpenSocial)
Home (OpenSocial)
The main site for all information about OpenSocial. Going forward, this site will evolve to include more documentation and information; today, if you are looking for developer documentation, please look here.
SpecificationOpenSocial defines a common API for social applications across multiple websites. Built from standard JavaScript and HTML, developers can create apps with OpenSocial that access a social network's friends and update feeds. By using a common API, developers can extend the reach of their applications more quickly, yielding more functionality for users. For more details about the API, review the Technical Resources.
The main site for all information about OpenSocial. Going forward, this site will evolve to include more documentation and information; today, if you are looking for developer documentation, please look here.
SpecificationOpenSocial defines a common API for social applications across multiple websites. Built from standard JavaScript and HTML, developers can create apps with OpenSocial that access a social network's friends and update feeds. By using a common API, developers can extend the reach of their applications more quickly, yielding more functionality for users. For more details about the API, review the Technical Resources.
Monday, March 24, 2008
The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is a large open international community of network designers, operators, vendors, and researchers concerned with the evolution of the Internet architecture and the smooth operation of the Internet. It is open to any interested individual.
The Xiph.Org Foundation is a non-profit corporation dedicated to protecting the foundations of Internet multimedia from control by private interests. Our purpose is to support and develop free, open protocols and software to serve the public, developer and business markets. is a communications community Web site dedicated to providing a forum for open-source software used in datacom and telecom environments. The VOVIDA Open Communication Application Library (VOCAL) is an open-source project targeted at facilitating the adoption of VoIP in the marketplace. VOCAL provides the development community with software and tools needed to build new VoIP features, applications and services. The software in VOCAL includes a SIP-based Redirect Server, Feature Server, Provisioning Server and Marshal Proxy.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Offline and collaborative applications.
[Offline and collaboration scenarios for applications, services and devices]
- Zimbra
- Google Gears
- Remember The Milk
- Microsoft Sync Framework
- Zoho Writer
=> Services everywhere : Home, Subway, Office
=> Services every devices : Home pc, Mobile device, Office notebook pc
=> Services every line : Online or offline!
- Zimbra
- Google Gears
- Remember The Milk
- Microsoft Sync Framework
- Zoho Writer
=> Services everywhere : Home, Subway, Office
=> Services every devices : Home pc, Mobile device, Office notebook pc
=> Services every line : Online or offline!
Wednesday, March 19, 2008
Hildon - GNOME Live!
Hildon - GNOME Live!
Hildon application framework introduces a new desktop for handheld devices. It comprises a lightweight desktop, a set of widgets optimized for handheld devices, a set of theming tools and other complementary libraries and applications.
Hildon application framework introduces a new desktop for handheld devices. It comprises a lightweight desktop, a set of widgets optimized for handheld devices, a set of theming tools and other complementary libraries and applications.
Linux Standard Base (LSB) - The Linux Foundation
Linux Standard Base (LSB) - The Linux Foundation
An operating system's success is inextricably linked with the number and quality of applications that run on top of it. Linux and its variances between distributions, however, present ISVs and individual developers with a unique set of challenges: different distributions of Linux make use of different versions of libraries, important files stored in different locations, and so on. If an ISV wants to reach a global Linux audience, they must support more than one distribution of Linux. These challenges and variances make it difficult--and costly--for ISVs to target the Linux platform.
The Linux Standard Base was created to solve these challenges and lower the overall costs of supporting the Linux platform. By reducing the differences between individual Linux distributions, the LSB greatly reduces the costs involved with porting applications to different distributions, as well as lowers the cost and effort involved in after-market support of those applications.
An operating system's success is inextricably linked with the number and quality of applications that run on top of it. Linux and its variances between distributions, however, present ISVs and individual developers with a unique set of challenges: different distributions of Linux make use of different versions of libraries, important files stored in different locations, and so on. If an ISV wants to reach a global Linux audience, they must support more than one distribution of Linux. These challenges and variances make it difficult--and costly--for ISVs to target the Linux platform.
The Linux Standard Base was created to solve these challenges and lower the overall costs of supporting the Linux platform. By reducing the differences between individual Linux distributions, the LSB greatly reduces the costs involved with porting applications to different distributions, as well as lowers the cost and effort involved in after-market support of those applications.
Wednesday, March 12, 2008
Linux-based Open Phones Available
* Qtopia-based Green Phone :
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Richard Cole's Parallel Merge Sort.
[Excerpted from an article entitled with Simulation and Visualization Tools for Teaching Parallel Merge Sort by Robin Trahan and Susan Rodger]
Copyright (C) 1993 ACM Press.
Overview of Parallel Merge Sort
We give a brief description of the algorithm and refer the reader to [1] for the complete description. Cole's parallel merge sort achieves O(log n) running time using n processors by pipelining the merges of sorted lists through a complete binary tree which we call the flow tree. The flow tree is not an actual data structure; it describes the flow path of the data. By pipelining the merges, information from the previous merge can be used to speed up the current merge. With this additional information, merging two sorted lists in the pipeline takes constant time.
Initially, the elements to be sorted are found at the leaf nodes of the flow tree. Let u be an internal node of the tree. During the execution of the algorithm, u will contain sorted subsets of the elements initially found at the leaf nodes of the subtree rooted at u. We will refer to the sorted subset associated with node u as u's current list. The task of u is to compute a current list containing all the elements originally at the leaf nodes of its subtree.
The algorithm consists of 3logn stages. At each stage, an internal node is active if the node has received some elements in the pipeline but has not yet received all the elements in its subtree. Evey active node u calculates a new current list that will contain twice as many elements as its previous current list in the following manner. First u saves its current list by copying it into what we call u's previous list. Then the two children of u pass up a sorted sample of their current list, and u merges these sample lists to create a new current list. This process takes place at all active nodes in parallel and is carried out by processors assigned to each element of the previous, the current, and the sample lists.
The sample passed up usually consists of every fourth element of a node's current list. If a node's current list contains all the elements initially at the leaves of its subtree, then in the next three consecutive stages the node passes every fourth, then every second, and then every element of its list to its parent. After a node has passed up every element it is no longer active and the processors assigned to that node can be reallocated.
To merge two sorted lists, the rank (or position) of an element in the resulting merged list is calculated. An element's rank in a list is a count of the number of elements in the list whose values are less than or equal to its own value. The rank of an element in the resulting merged list is the sum of its rank in its own list and its rank in the other list. To perform the merge of two sample lists in constant time, Cole maintains information that allows the elements in the sample lists to quickly calculate their ranks in the resulting merged list. This information consists of the ranks of the elements from the previous list in the sample lists. Using these ranks, an element in one sample list can determine an interval of consecutive elements in the other sample list that its value lies within. Cole proves that the number of elements within this interval is at most three, and calls it the 3-cover property. Therefore, in constant time an element in a sample list can rank itself in the other sample list by examining the elements within the appropriate interval in the other list.
Copyright (C) 1993 ACM Press.
Overview of Parallel Merge Sort
We give a brief description of the algorithm and refer the reader to [1] for the complete description. Cole's parallel merge sort achieves O(log n) running time using n processors by pipelining the merges of sorted lists through a complete binary tree which we call the flow tree. The flow tree is not an actual data structure; it describes the flow path of the data. By pipelining the merges, information from the previous merge can be used to speed up the current merge. With this additional information, merging two sorted lists in the pipeline takes constant time.
Initially, the elements to be sorted are found at the leaf nodes of the flow tree. Let u be an internal node of the tree. During the execution of the algorithm, u will contain sorted subsets of the elements initially found at the leaf nodes of the subtree rooted at u. We will refer to the sorted subset associated with node u as u's current list. The task of u is to compute a current list containing all the elements originally at the leaf nodes of its subtree.
The algorithm consists of 3logn stages. At each stage, an internal node is active if the node has received some elements in the pipeline but has not yet received all the elements in its subtree. Evey active node u calculates a new current list that will contain twice as many elements as its previous current list in the following manner. First u saves its current list by copying it into what we call u's previous list. Then the two children of u pass up a sorted sample of their current list, and u merges these sample lists to create a new current list. This process takes place at all active nodes in parallel and is carried out by processors assigned to each element of the previous, the current, and the sample lists.
The sample passed up usually consists of every fourth element of a node's current list. If a node's current list contains all the elements initially at the leaves of its subtree, then in the next three consecutive stages the node passes every fourth, then every second, and then every element of its list to its parent. After a node has passed up every element it is no longer active and the processors assigned to that node can be reallocated.
To merge two sorted lists, the rank (or position) of an element in the resulting merged list is calculated. An element's rank in a list is a count of the number of elements in the list whose values are less than or equal to its own value. The rank of an element in the resulting merged list is the sum of its rank in its own list and its rank in the other list. To perform the merge of two sample lists in constant time, Cole maintains information that allows the elements in the sample lists to quickly calculate their ranks in the resulting merged list. This information consists of the ranks of the elements from the previous list in the sample lists. Using these ranks, an element in one sample list can determine an interval of consecutive elements in the other sample list that its value lies within. Cole proves that the number of elements within this interval is at most three, and calls it the 3-cover property. Therefore, in constant time an element in a sample list can rank itself in the other sample list by examining the elements within the appropriate interval in the other list.
Monday, March 10, 2008
Programming GCC
* MyGcc
* GCC Internals Course by Diego Novillo, November 2007
1. Condensed overview.
2. Compiler pipeline.
3. Intermediate Representations.
4. Control Flow, Call Graph and Data Flow support.
5. Alias analysis.
6. Code Generation.
7. Implementing Passes.
* GCC Internals Course by Diego Novillo, November 2007
1. Condensed overview.
2. Compiler pipeline.
3. Intermediate Representations.
4. Control Flow, Call Graph and Data Flow support.
5. Alias analysis.
6. Code Generation.
7. Implementing Passes.
Thursday, March 06, 2008
Mobile Firefox, iPhone, and Android.
◆모바일 파이어폭스와 아이폰, 그리고 안드로이드
해외에서는 오페라(Opera) 모바일 브라우저의 인기가 단연 높다. PC용 웹브라우저 시장에서는 고전하고 있지만, 모바일 브라우저는 전 세계 다양한 휴대폰 모델에 탑재되어 배포되면서 세계 최고 점유율을 자랑하고 있다.
또한 최근 모바일 업계에서는 ‘웹킷’(도 관심의 대상이다. 애플 사파리 웹 브라우저에 사용돼 관심을 끈 오픈소스 시스템 프레임워크 ‘웹킷’은 애플 아이폰(아이팟 터치)과 구글 안드로이드에 잇달아 채택됐다. 노키아 S60과 모토로라 리눅스 플랫폼도 웹킷 엔진을 사용한다. 최근에는 MS 윈도 모바일용으로도 발표됐다.
이 밖에도 윈도 모바일 운영체제에 기본 제공되는 모바일 익스플로러 등도 있으나 전문 브라우저에 비해 호응이 크게 못 미치고 있다. MS는 최근 미국 T-모바일 '사이드킥' 폰에 모바일 웹 브라우저를 제공한 ‘데인저’사를 인수하기도 했다.
국내는 휴대폰에 탑재되는 모바일 브라우저의 대부분이 단말기에 내장된 형태다. 인프라웨어(가 시장 점유율 70%를 유지하고 있고, 이어 오페라, 오픈웨이브 등이 관심을 받고 있다. 특히 인프라웨어는 자사의 모바일솔루션을 미국 AT&T 및 스프린트, 힐리오 등에 공급한 바 있다. 지난달에는 SK텔레콤 통해 풀 브라우저를 상용화하기도 했다.
이처럼 치열하게 경쟁하고 있는 가운데 모바일 시장에서 파이어폭스의 입지를 높이기 위한 방안으로 제시된 것이 ‘모바일 파이어폭스’( 다. 파이어폭스 엔진을 기반으로 만든 모바일용 브라우저다. 플래시는 물론이고 AJAX 등 다양한 웹 기술도 모두 모바일 기반으로 지원하거나 지원할 예정이라는 점이 특징이다. 모바일 파이어폭스는 현재 노키아의 N800/810 시리즈나 스카이파이어 등에 탑재되어 있다.
모바일 솔루션 업계 관계자들은 모바일 파이어폭스가 국내에서 상용화되면 일반 휴대폰보다는 스마트폰이나 UMPC 등 휴대용 PC 분야에 먼저 도입될 것으로 예상하고 있다. 이날 한국에 방한한 모질라 모바일 팀 관계자들은 발표에서 “빠르고 깨끗하고 간단한 모질라(파이어폭스)의 원칙을 모바일에 적용시킬 것”이라며 “특히 모바일 폰에서 강조해야 할 보안 문제에 집중하고 있다”고 설명했다.
해외에서는 오페라(Opera) 모바일 브라우저의 인기가 단연 높다. PC용 웹브라우저 시장에서는 고전하고 있지만, 모바일 브라우저는 전 세계 다양한 휴대폰 모델에 탑재되어 배포되면서 세계 최고 점유율을 자랑하고 있다.
또한 최근 모바일 업계에서는 ‘웹킷’(도 관심의 대상이다. 애플 사파리 웹 브라우저에 사용돼 관심을 끈 오픈소스 시스템 프레임워크 ‘웹킷’은 애플 아이폰(아이팟 터치)과 구글 안드로이드에 잇달아 채택됐다. 노키아 S60과 모토로라 리눅스 플랫폼도 웹킷 엔진을 사용한다. 최근에는 MS 윈도 모바일용으로도 발표됐다.
이 밖에도 윈도 모바일 운영체제에 기본 제공되는 모바일 익스플로러 등도 있으나 전문 브라우저에 비해 호응이 크게 못 미치고 있다. MS는 최근 미국 T-모바일 '사이드킥' 폰에 모바일 웹 브라우저를 제공한 ‘데인저’사를 인수하기도 했다.
국내는 휴대폰에 탑재되는 모바일 브라우저의 대부분이 단말기에 내장된 형태다. 인프라웨어(가 시장 점유율 70%를 유지하고 있고, 이어 오페라, 오픈웨이브 등이 관심을 받고 있다. 특히 인프라웨어는 자사의 모바일솔루션을 미국 AT&T 및 스프린트, 힐리오 등에 공급한 바 있다. 지난달에는 SK텔레콤 통해 풀 브라우저를 상용화하기도 했다.
이처럼 치열하게 경쟁하고 있는 가운데 모바일 시장에서 파이어폭스의 입지를 높이기 위한 방안으로 제시된 것이 ‘모바일 파이어폭스’( 다. 파이어폭스 엔진을 기반으로 만든 모바일용 브라우저다. 플래시는 물론이고 AJAX 등 다양한 웹 기술도 모두 모바일 기반으로 지원하거나 지원할 예정이라는 점이 특징이다. 모바일 파이어폭스는 현재 노키아의 N800/810 시리즈나 스카이파이어 등에 탑재되어 있다.
모바일 솔루션 업계 관계자들은 모바일 파이어폭스가 국내에서 상용화되면 일반 휴대폰보다는 스마트폰이나 UMPC 등 휴대용 PC 분야에 먼저 도입될 것으로 예상하고 있다. 이날 한국에 방한한 모질라 모바일 팀 관계자들은 발표에서 “빠르고 깨끗하고 간단한 모질라(파이어폭스)의 원칙을 모바일에 적용시킬 것”이라며 “특히 모바일 폰에서 강조해야 할 보안 문제에 집중하고 있다”고 설명했다. - GstOpenMAX - GstOpenMAX
GstOpenMAX is a GStreamer plug-in that allows communication with OpenMAX IL components.
OpenMAX IL is an industry standard that provides an abstraction layer for computer graphics, video, and sound routines.
GstOpenMAX is a GStreamer plug-in that allows communication with OpenMAX IL components.
OpenMAX IL is an industry standard that provides an abstraction layer for computer graphics, video, and sound routines.
Monday, March 03, 2008
the-cloak home
the-cloak home
The Cloak sits between your computer and any web sites you visit. It prevents the web sites you visit from finding out who you are. And it can use the standard SSL protocol to encrypt all communication from your browser, so that no one (except for the-Cloak) knows where you are surfing.
The Cloak sits between your computer and any web sites you visit. It prevents the web sites you visit from finding out who you are. And it can use the standard SSL protocol to encrypt all communication from your browser, so that no one (except for the-Cloak) knows where you are surfing.
Sunday, March 02, 2008
Database on Flash
Database on Flash
Flash-aware Embedded Database
- Query optimization
- FTL (Flash Translation Layer)
- Wear-leveling
Flash-aware Embedded Database
- Query optimization
- FTL (Flash Translation Layer)
- Wear-leveling
Saturday, March 01, 2008
ArchJava : Home
ArchJava : Home
Software architecture describes the structure of a system, enabling more effective design, program understanding, and formal analysis. However, existing approaches decouple implementation code from architecture, allowing inconsistencies, causing confusion, violating architectural properties, and inhibiting software evolution. ArchJava is an extension to Java that seamlessly unifies software architecture with implementation, using a type system to ensure that the implementation conforms to architectural constraints. This site includes a downloadable compiler for ArchJava as well as publications describing the language, a case study, and the theory behind ArchJava.
Software architecture describes the structure of a system, enabling more effective design, program understanding, and formal analysis. However, existing approaches decouple implementation code from architecture, allowing inconsistencies, causing confusion, violating architectural properties, and inhibiting software evolution. ArchJava is an extension to Java that seamlessly unifies software architecture with implementation, using a type system to ensure that the implementation conforms to architectural constraints. This site includes a downloadable compiler for ArchJava as well as publications describing the language, a case study, and the theory behind ArchJava.
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
Mozilla's Prism
Personal computing is currently in a state of transition. While traditionally users have interacted mostly with desktop applications, more and more of them are using web applications. But the latter often fit awkwardly into the document-centric interface of web browsers. And they are surrounded with controls–like back and forward buttons and a location bar–that have nothing to do with interacting with the application itself.
Mozilla Labs is launching a series of experiments to bridge the divide in the user experience between web applications and desktop apps and to explore new usability models as the line between traditional desktop and new web applications continues to blur.
Personal computing is currently in a state of transition. While traditionally users have interacted mostly with desktop applications, more and more of them are using web applications. But the latter often fit awkwardly into the document-centric interface of web browsers. And they are surrounded with controls–like back and forward buttons and a location bar–that have nothing to do with interacting with the application itself.
Mozilla Labs is launching a series of experiments to bridge the divide in the user experience between web applications and desktop apps and to explore new usability models as the line between traditional desktop and new web applications continues to blur.
Monday, February 25, 2008
Function Ptrs in the C/C++ languages
In the C/C++ languages, the notion of function ptrs has been used only in a limited way, to my thought, though they provide quite a expressive setting. This is thought to be due to the cumbersome and/or difficult syntax for writing functions ptrs and their types.
To relieve this problem, a nice tutorial is given by Lars Haendel:
The Function Pointer Tutorials
* Should correct something with sidebars!
type-name: (type-specifier type-qualifier)+ abstract-declarator?
type-specifier: ("void" "char" "short" "int" "long" "float" "double" "signed" "unsigned" struct-or-union-specifier enum-specifier typedef-name)
type-qualifier: ("const" "volatile")
abstract-declarator: pointer ("(" abstract-declarator ")")? ( "[" constant-expression? "]" "(" parameter-type-list? ")" )*
enum-specifier: "enum" (identifier identifier? "{" enumerator% "}")
enumerator: identifier ("=" constant-expression)?
struct-or-union-specifier: ("struct" "union") ( identifier? "{" struct-declaration+ "}" identifier )
struct-declaration: (type-specifier type-qualifier)+ struct-declarator%
struct-declarator: declarator declarator? ":" constant-expression
pointer: ("*" type-qualifier*)*
parameter-type-list: parameter-declaration% ("," "...")?
parameter-declaration: declaration-specifiers (declarator abstract-declarator)?
To relieve this problem, a nice tutorial is given by Lars Haendel:
The Function Pointer Tutorials
* Should correct something with sidebars!
type-name: (type-specifier type-qualifier)+ abstract-declarator?
type-specifier: ("void" "char" "short" "int" "long" "float" "double" "signed" "unsigned" struct-or-union-specifier enum-specifier typedef-name)
type-qualifier: ("const" "volatile")
abstract-declarator: pointer ("(" abstract-declarator ")")? ( "[" constant-expression? "]" "(" parameter-type-list? ")" )*
enum-specifier: "enum" (identifier identifier? "{" enumerator% "}")
enumerator: identifier ("=" constant-expression)?
struct-or-union-specifier: ("struct" "union") ( identifier? "{" struct-declaration+ "}" identifier )
struct-declaration: (type-specifier type-qualifier)+ struct-declarator%
struct-declarator: declarator declarator? ":" constant-expression
pointer: ("*" type-qualifier*)*
parameter-type-list: parameter-declaration% ("," "...")?
parameter-declaration: declaration-specifiers (declarator abstract-declarator)?
History of Linux File Systems
History of Linux File Systems
* Minix file system [????]
- Max file size: 64M
- Max file name length: 14 chars
- 16bit operations used internally
* EXT (Extended file system) [1992]
- 32bit file system to support 32bit Linux OS
- Max file size: 2G
- Max file name length: 255 chars
* EXT2 [1993]
- Some features of FFS (Fast File System) in BSD
- Weakness of the file system particularly when OS goes down abruptly with no run of shutdown
* reiserfs
- Max file size : 8T
- Journaling file system
- Fast speed by recording only meta data
- Tail packing to relive the internal fragmentation problem due to less than 4k bytes files such as in web server, news server, and mail server
- Hans Reiser, DARPA
* EXT3 [2001]
- EXT2+ journaling feature
- 3-level journaling. More stable but 10 to 15 times slower than reiserfs
- compatible with EXT2 (tune2fs)
- Max file size 16G (4k file block size), 32T (4M file block size)
* Minix file system [????]
- Max file size: 64M
- Max file name length: 14 chars
- 16bit operations used internally
* EXT (Extended file system) [1992]
- 32bit file system to support 32bit Linux OS
- Max file size: 2G
- Max file name length: 255 chars
* EXT2 [1993]
- Some features of FFS (Fast File System) in BSD
- Weakness of the file system particularly when OS goes down abruptly with no run of shutdown
* reiserfs
- Max file size : 8T
- Journaling file system
- Fast speed by recording only meta data
- Tail packing to relive the internal fragmentation problem due to less than 4k bytes files such as in web server, news server, and mail server
- Hans Reiser, DARPA
* EXT3 [2001]
- EXT2+ journaling feature
- 3-level journaling. More stable but 10 to 15 times slower than reiserfs
- compatible with EXT2 (tune2fs)
- Max file size 16G (4k file block size), 32T (4M file block size)
Saturday, February 23, 2008
Friday, February 22, 2008
Wednesday, February 20, 2008
Open sources
* Xen :
The Highest Performing Virtualization SoftwareServer Virtualization with the Xen HypervisorRun Applications on Any ServerXen Is an Open Source TechnologyXen Virtualization Provides Greater Flexibility and Lower Total Cost of OwnershipParavirtualization Provides Near-Native PerformanceXen 3.0 Brings Features for Today’s Enterprise ServersLean and SecureFastest Live RelocationUtility Based ComputingPer VM Resource GuaranteesAn Emerging Open Industry Standard
* KVM :
Commercial products
* VirtualBox :
* Xen :
The Highest Performing Virtualization SoftwareServer Virtualization with the Xen HypervisorRun Applications on Any ServerXen Is an Open Source TechnologyXen Virtualization Provides Greater Flexibility and Lower Total Cost of OwnershipParavirtualization Provides Near-Native PerformanceXen 3.0 Brings Features for Today’s Enterprise ServersLean and SecureFastest Live RelocationUtility Based ComputingPer VM Resource GuaranteesAn Emerging Open Industry Standard
* KVM :
Commercial products
* VirtualBox :
* Open Kernel Lab4
Monday, February 18, 2008
Embedded Linux platforms
Embedded Linux Platforms
- Open Source Real-Time Linux Project:
- Preemption Patches Maintained by Ingo Molnar:
- LinuxTiny:
- ARM Thumb:
- MIPS16:
- User Space XIP with CramFS:
- Raw NOR Flash Kernel XIP:
- uClibc:
- BusyBox:
- TinyLogin:
- CramFS and YAFFS:
- Harald Welte's Open-E2X:
- Open Phone Stack for Motorola Mobile Phones Wiki:
Embedded Linux platforms
Embedded Linux Platforms
- Open Source Real-Time Linux Project:
- Preemption Patches Maintained by Ingo Molnar:
- LinuxTiny:
- ARM Thumb:
- MIPS16:
- User Space XIP with CramFS:
- Raw NOR Flash Kernel XIP:
- uClibc:
- BusyBox:
- TinyLogin:
- CramFS and YAFFS:
- Harald Welte's Open-E2X:
- Open Phone Stack for Motorola Mobile Phones Wiki:
- MLI:
- Open Source Real-Time Linux Project:
- Preemption Patches Maintained by Ingo Molnar:
- LinuxTiny:
- ARM Thumb:
- MIPS16:
- User Space XIP with CramFS:
- Raw NOR Flash Kernel XIP:
- uClibc:
- BusyBox:
- TinyLogin:
- CramFS and YAFFS:
- Harald Welte's Open-E2X:
- Open Phone Stack for Motorola Mobile Phones Wiki:
- MLI:
Sunday, February 17, 2008
The OSDL project
Welcome to the OSDL project web site
Object-oriented Simple DirectMedia layer
The OSDL project has for goal to provide a free portable high-level open-source library for multimedia and game programming. It is based upon low level graphical backends, notably Sam Lantinga's SDL, which means Simple DirectMedia Library.
Object-oriented Simple DirectMedia layer
The OSDL project has for goal to provide a free portable high-level open-source library for multimedia and game programming. It is based upon low level graphical backends, notably Sam Lantinga's SDL, which means Simple DirectMedia Library.
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Monday, February 11, 2008
ZDNet Korea...상용SW 대체할「10가지 오픈소스SW」
ZDNet Korea...상용SW 대체할「10가지 오픈소스SW」
* MS Office vs. Open Office
* MS Window Media Center vs. Media Portal
* Window Media Player vs. VLC Media Player
* WinZip vs. 7-Zip
* Adobe Photoshop vs. GIMP
* Google reader, Blogline vs. RSSOwl
* Window Live Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, Buddy Buddy vs. Pidgin
* Nero Burning Rom vs. InfraRecorder
* Adobe audition vs. Audacity
* IE vs. Mozilla Firefox
* MS Office vs. Open Office
* MS Window Media Center vs. Media Portal
* Window Media Player vs. VLC Media Player
* WinZip vs. 7-Zip
* Adobe Photoshop vs. GIMP
* Google reader, Blogline vs. RSSOwl
* Window Live Messenger, Yahoo Messenger, Buddy Buddy vs. Pidgin
* Nero Burning Rom vs. InfraRecorder
* Adobe audition vs. Audacity
* IE vs. Mozilla Firefox
'Zoomable' User Interface
From 'Scroll & Hyperlink' to 'Zoom & Select'
* seadragon :
- originally, called sandcodex, and acquired by Microsoft
* Deepfish :
* Photosynth :
* ZenZui , now called Zumobi :
* seadragon :
- originally, called sandcodex, and acquired by Microsoft
* Deepfish :
* Photosynth :
* ZenZui , now called Zumobi :
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Monday, February 04, 2008
DSLinux: The home of Linux on the DS
DSLinux: The home of Linux on the DS
DSLinux is a project that aims to port Linux to the Nintendo DS gaming console. If you are new here, the first place you should look at is the WikiAfter reading the Wiki, feel free to browse the forums and ask questions. Please do NOT post and information or links pertaining topiracy anywhere on the DSLinux site, including the Wiki or forums.
DSLinux is a project that aims to port Linux to the Nintendo DS gaming console. If you are new here, the first place you should look at is the WikiAfter reading the Wiki, feel free to browse the forums and ask questions. Please do NOT post and information or links pertaining topiracy anywhere on the DSLinux site, including the Wiki or forums.
Sunday, February 03, 2008
Welcome to Linux From Scratch!
Welcome to Linux From Scratch!
Linux From Scratch (LFS) is the name of a book written by Gerard Beekmans and others. In that book the reader is given instructions on how to build a Linux system from source. The book is available freely from the Linux From Scratch website and is currently in version 6.3.
Linux From Scratch (LFS) is the name of a book written by Gerard Beekmans and others. In that book the reader is given instructions on how to build a Linux system from source. The book is available freely from the Linux From Scratch website and is currently in version 6.3.
Friday, February 01, 2008
Green Linux - The Linux Foundation
Green Linux - The Linux Foundation
The Green Linux Initiative is a working group organized by the Linux Foundation to improve power management in Linux. The working group is facilitating collaboration among kernel developers, hardware manufacturers, system vendors, distributions, and end users to understand and address the requirements for more effective power management in Linux. Better power management is a requirement for nearly every Linux environment.
For mobile devices and laptop computers, Green Linux can mean significantly enhanced battery life as well as better performance, such as near instantaneous suspend/resume. For desktops and servers, improved power management can result in significant decreases in operating costs. Better power management in virtualized environments enables more virtual machines to share the same hardware. In many data center environments, power and the heat that it generates is the limiting factor for both processing power and cost. In living room set top boxes, the customer usually wants to limit heat production because of noise from fans or because the device has no fan at all. In all cases, less power consumption is better for the environment.
The Green Linux Initiative is a working group organized by the Linux Foundation to improve power management in Linux. The working group is facilitating collaboration among kernel developers, hardware manufacturers, system vendors, distributions, and end users to understand and address the requirements for more effective power management in Linux. Better power management is a requirement for nearly every Linux environment.
For mobile devices and laptop computers, Green Linux can mean significantly enhanced battery life as well as better performance, such as near instantaneous suspend/resume. For desktops and servers, improved power management can result in significant decreases in operating costs. Better power management in virtualized environments enables more virtual machines to share the same hardware. In many data center environments, power and the heat that it generates is the limiting factor for both processing power and cost. In living room set top boxes, the customer usually wants to limit heat production because of noise from fans or because the device has no fan at all. In all cases, less power consumption is better for the environment.
W3C Interaction Domain
W3C Interaction Domain
Graphics Activity
HTML Activity
Math Activity
Rich Web Client Activity
Style Activity
Synchronized Multimedia Activity
XForms Activity
Graphics Activity
HTML Activity
Math Activity
Rich Web Client Activity
Style Activity
Synchronized Multimedia Activity
XForms Activity
Yahoo! counters Android with simple web services tools
Yahoo! counters Android with simple web services tools
In a move reminiscent of Google's "Android," Yahoo! has announced its own toolkit aimed at improving mobile phones as Web services clients. Early proponents of Yahoo! Mobile Widgets include phone vendors LG and Motorola, with Linux phone stack vendor Access also looking at the technology.(Click for larger view of Mobile Widgets screen mockup)
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Mobile Widgets are intended to let third-party developers write Web applications that support mobile phones as clients. The Widgets are written in part in an XML markup type called "Blueprint," apparently a simplified derivative of XForms. Blueprint documents are hosted on the user's own server, and are purely declarative, lacking any application logic. However, users can program logic using standard server-side scripting, Yahoo! suggests.Mobile Widgets appear to be fairly simple, compared to Google's Android initiative. Android comprises a suite of Java-based Linux applications that run on the phone itself, providing significant potential for client-side processing.The simplicity of Mobile Widgets enables any browser-enabled phone to use them, Yahoo! said, including phones that support only XHTML (no error correction by the browser). In their simplest form, Widgets enable developers to push simple RSS news feeds out to users, without writing any Blueprint markup at all, the company notes.One early proponent of Mobile Widgets is Access, which says it is in talks with Yahoo! over adding support to its Access Linux Platform (ALP) software stack and NetFront browser (recently tapped for Amazon's Kindle eBook reader). Phone vendors Motorola and LG, meanwhile, will make support for Mobile Widgets "widely available on multiple devices," Yahoo said. Also supporting the Mobile Widgets launch are third-party Widget providers eBay, MySpace, and MTV. Yahoo! has promised to release a Mobile Widgets development kit soon. Meanwhile, it has published a developer's guide to Blueprint markup, here (PDF download). More details about Mobile Widgets may be found here.Yahoo! Mobile Widgets are not to be confused with Opera's Widgets, which let developers use the Opera browser as a development framework for local applications and interfaces.
In a move reminiscent of Google's "Android," Yahoo! has announced its own toolkit aimed at improving mobile phones as Web services clients. Early proponents of Yahoo! Mobile Widgets include phone vendors LG and Motorola, with Linux phone stack vendor Access also looking at the technology.(Click for larger view of Mobile Widgets screen mockup)
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Mobile Widgets are intended to let third-party developers write Web applications that support mobile phones as clients. The Widgets are written in part in an XML markup type called "Blueprint," apparently a simplified derivative of XForms. Blueprint documents are hosted on the user's own server, and are purely declarative, lacking any application logic. However, users can program logic using standard server-side scripting, Yahoo! suggests.Mobile Widgets appear to be fairly simple, compared to Google's Android initiative. Android comprises a suite of Java-based Linux applications that run on the phone itself, providing significant potential for client-side processing.The simplicity of Mobile Widgets enables any browser-enabled phone to use them, Yahoo! said, including phones that support only XHTML (no error correction by the browser). In their simplest form, Widgets enable developers to push simple RSS news feeds out to users, without writing any Blueprint markup at all, the company notes.One early proponent of Mobile Widgets is Access, which says it is in talks with Yahoo! over adding support to its Access Linux Platform (ALP) software stack and NetFront browser (recently tapped for Amazon's Kindle eBook reader). Phone vendors Motorola and LG, meanwhile, will make support for Mobile Widgets "widely available on multiple devices," Yahoo said. Also supporting the Mobile Widgets launch are third-party Widget providers eBay, MySpace, and MTV. Yahoo! has promised to release a Mobile Widgets development kit soon. Meanwhile, it has published a developer's guide to Blueprint markup, here (PDF download). More details about Mobile Widgets may be found here.Yahoo! Mobile Widgets are not to be confused with Opera's Widgets, which let developers use the Opera browser as a development framework for local applications and interfaces.
Tuesday, January 29, 2008
Noticeable Papers about Software Evolution
Noticeable Papers about Software Evolution
1. M. Petrenko, D. Poshyvanyk, V. Rajlich, and J. Buchta, Teaching Software Evolution in Open Source, IEEE Computer, Nov., 2007.저자 중 한 명인 Rajlich의 Software Evolution에 대한 Article (IEEE Computer or Software)을 읽어볼 필요 있음
2. A. Grosskurth and M. W. Godfrey, Architecture and evolution of the modern web browser, Procs. of the 21th IEEE International Conf. on Software Maintenance (ICSM'05), Sep., 2005.(의 Hierarchical Reflexion Model에 대한 Paper 도 참고
3. A. Mockus, R. T. Fielding and J. D. Herbsleb, Two Case Studies of Open Source Software Development: Apache and Mozilla, ACM Trans. on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) Vol. 11, No. 3, Jul. 2002.이 Paper도 Open Source에 관련된 것으로, 전자 회사의 대부분의 소프트웨어 개발 방식도 새로 개발하는 부분 보다 이전 소스를 Modify해서 개발한다는 점에서 Open Source Development와 비슷. 물론, Open Source Development처럼 한 곳에서 관리되고 있지 않음
4. J. C. Duenas, H. A. Parada G., F. Cuadrado, and M. Santillan, Apache and Eclipse: Comparing Open Source Project Incubators, IEEE Software, Nov/Dec. 2007.
5. C. L. Nehaniv, J. Hewitt, B. Christianson, and P. Wernick, What Software Evolution and Biological Evolution Don't Have in Common, Procs. of 2nd International IEEE Workshop on Software Evolvability (SE'06), 2006.
나머지는 시간되는 대로 추가할 예정 ...--------------------------------------------------------------
6. F. Loesch and E. Ploedereder, Restructuring Variability in Software Product Lines using Concept Analysis of Product Configurations, Procs. of the 11th European Conf. on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR '07), 2007.
7. P. Frenzel, R. Koschke, A. P. J. Breu and K. ANgstmann, Extending the Reflexion Model for Consolidating Software Variants into Product Lines, ?, ?Reflection Model
8. J. klein, “How Does the Architect’s Role Change as the Software Ages?,” Proc. Of the 5th Working IEEE/IFIP Conf. on Software Architecture (WICSA’05), 2005
Noticeable Papers about Software Evolution
1. M. Petrenko, D. Poshyvanyk, V. Rajlich, and J. Buchta, Teaching Software Evolution in Open Source, IEEE Computer, Nov., 2007.저자 중 한 명인 Rajlich의 Software Evolution에 대한 Article (IEEE Computer or Software)을 읽어볼 필요 있음
2. A. Grosskurth and M. W. Godfrey, Architecture and evolution of the modern web browser, Procs. of the 21th IEEE International Conf. on Software Maintenance (ICSM'05), Sep., 2005.(의 Hierarchical Reflexion Model에 대한 Paper 도 참고
3. A. Mockus, R. T. Fielding and J. D. Herbsleb, Two Case Studies of Open Source Software Development: Apache and Mozilla, ACM Trans. on Software Engineering and Methodology (TOSEM) Vol. 11, No. 3, Jul. 2002.이 Paper도 Open Source에 관련된 것으로, 전자 회사의 대부분의 소프트웨어 개발 방식도 새로 개발하는 부분 보다 이전 소스를 Modify해서 개발한다는 점에서 Open Source Development와 비슷. 물론, Open Source Development처럼 한 곳에서 관리되고 있지 않음
4. J. C. Duenas, H. A. Parada G., F. Cuadrado, and M. Santillan, Apache and Eclipse: Comparing Open Source Project Incubators, IEEE Software, Nov/Dec. 2007.
5. C. L. Nehaniv, J. Hewitt, B. Christianson, and P. Wernick, What Software Evolution and Biological Evolution Don't Have in Common, Procs. of 2nd International IEEE Workshop on Software Evolvability (SE'06), 2006.
나머지는 시간되는 대로 추가할 예정 ...--------------------------------------------------------------
6. F. Loesch and E. Ploedereder, Restructuring Variability in Software Product Lines using Concept Analysis of Product Configurations, Procs. of the 11th European Conf. on Software Maintenance and Reengineering (CSMR '07), 2007.
7. P. Frenzel, R. Koschke, A. P. J. Breu and K. ANgstmann, Extending the Reflexion Model for Consolidating Software Variants into Product Lines, ?, ?Reflection Model
8. J. klein, “How Does the Architect’s Role Change as the Software Ages?,” Proc. Of the 5th Working IEEE/IFIP Conf. on Software Architecture (WICSA’05), 2005
Monday, January 28, 2008
SBS-IF Smart Battery System Implementers Forum
SBS-IF Smart Battery System Implementers Forum
The Smart Battery System Implementers Forum (SBS-IF) has been creating, promoting, and supporting open standards for smart battery systems for more than a decade.
SBS-IF specifications, which include those for the popular System Management Bus (SMBus), are widely adopted in the industry.
The SBS-IF is now part of the System Management Interface Forum (SMIF), Inc., a non-profit industry group incorporated in Texas.
The Smart Battery System Implementers Forum (SBS-IF) has been creating, promoting, and supporting open standards for smart battery systems for more than a decade.
SBS-IF specifications, which include those for the popular System Management Bus (SMBus), are widely adopted in the industry.
The SBS-IF is now part of the System Management Interface Forum (SMIF), Inc., a non-profit industry group incorporated in Texas.
Monday, January 21, 2008
GTK+ RC files and Themes
There are also a lot of resources for learning about RC files andthemes with GTK+ found at
Sunday, January 20, 2008
Thursday, January 17, 2008
X Windows for Embedded Systems
Tiny-X is a small footprint X Window server implementation for embedded systems. It was originally developed by Keith Packard of the XFree86 Core Team, sponsored by SuSE. The goal was to create something that would work well in a small memory footprint and, importantly, be robust in near out-of-memory situations. Typical X servers based on Tiny-X can fit in less than 1MB on x86 CPUs.The project has since forked into several projects, including KDrive, SmallX, and Integrated Tiny-X.
* X Window : x11perf
* GTK :
* X.Org Wiki - Development/Documentation/Performance :
* GTK :
* X.Org Wiki - Development/Documentation/Performance :
Sunday, January 13, 2008
WAP, MMS, SMS, IM, SyncML, Messaging solutions for cellular service providers, handset manufacturers and enterprises
* Mobile Device Solutions
- Mobile BrowserWAP 2.0 BrowserOver The Air Provisioning ClientMobile IM ClientMultimedia Messaging ClientMobile eMail ClientSync ML DS ClientSync ML DM Client
* Mobile Operator Solutions
- jIMPSMultimedia Messaging Service CenterWAP 2.0 GatewaySMS GatewaySyncML ServerSIM Tool Kit -SIMplifyMobile Enterprise Messaging ServerOver The Air Provisioning - jOTA ServerBulk Messaging Gateway - jBMG
* Enterprise Solutions
- Enterprise WAP Server SMS Gateway SMS eXchange Alert Handling Assistant Mobile Enterprise Messaging Server
* Mobile Device Solutions
- Mobile BrowserWAP 2.0 BrowserOver The Air Provisioning ClientMobile IM ClientMultimedia Messaging ClientMobile eMail ClientSync ML DS ClientSync ML DM Client
* Mobile Operator Solutions
- jIMPSMultimedia Messaging Service CenterWAP 2.0 GatewaySMS GatewaySyncML ServerSIM Tool Kit -SIMplifyMobile Enterprise Messaging ServerOver The Air Provisioning - jOTA ServerBulk Messaging Gateway - jBMG
* Enterprise Solutions
- Enterprise WAP Server SMS Gateway SMS eXchange Alert Handling Assistant Mobile Enterprise Messaging Server
Wednesday, January 09, 2008
Microsoft Live Labs
Microsoft Live Labs
Microsoft Live Labs bring scientists, engineers, enterpreneurs and the online community together to think about and build a better online world.
Microsoft Live Labs bring scientists, engineers, enterpreneurs and the online community together to think about and build a better online world.
Tuesday, January 08, 2008
Scratchbox, a cross-compilation toolkit for embedded Linux application development
invented by Veli Kaksonen
invented by Veli Kaksonen
Open source test suites
Coq for POPL folk
Coq for POPL folk
Using Proof Assistants for Programming Language Research or, How to write your next POPL paper in Coq
Using Proof Assistants for Programming Language Research or, How to write your next POPL paper in Coq
Sunday, January 06, 2008
DP: Insertion Sort
foldr ins [] xs
ins x [] = [x]
ins x (z:zs) = min x z : ins (max x z) zs
toterm [] = []
toterm (x:xs) = I x p n f : toterm xs
sem [] = []
sem (I x p n f : ts) = ins x (sem ts)
sem (C x p n f : ts) = x : sem ts
I x p n f
=> C x p' n' f' if n = Nil
=> I x p' n' f' if n = I _ _ _ _
=> C (min x y) p' n' f' if n = C y _ _ _
C x p n f
=> C x p' n' f' if p = Nil
=> I (max x y) p' n' f' if p = I y _ _ _
=> C x p' n' f' if p = C _ _ _ _
foldr ins [] xs = sem $ (map (=>) ) ^ n $ toterm $ xs
foldr ins [] [10,1,5,2]
= ins 10 (ins 1 (ins 5 (ins 2 [])))
= ins 10 (ins 1 (ins 5 (cons 2 [])))
= ins 10 (ins 1 (cons 2 (ins 5 [])))
= ins 10 (cons 1 (ins 2 (cons 5 [])))
= cons 1 (ins 10 (cons 2 (ins 5 [])))
= cons 1 (cons 2 (ins 10 (cons 5 [])))
= cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 5 (ins 10 [])))
= cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 5 (cons 10 [])))
* 방향
- 병렬성이나 Lazy Evaluation이 연관된 증명이 매우 어려워 보임.
- 우선 Equational Equality를 보이는데 중점.
- 병렬성은 map 함수로 설명
- pure functional context는 lazy evaluation으로 설명
ins x [] = [x]
ins x (z:zs) = min x z : ins (max x z) zs
toterm [] = []
toterm (x:xs) = I x p n f : toterm xs
sem [] = []
sem (I x p n f : ts) = ins x (sem ts)
sem (C x p n f : ts) = x : sem ts
I x p n f
=> C x p' n' f' if n = Nil
=> I x p' n' f' if n = I _ _ _ _
=> C (min x y) p' n' f' if n = C y _ _ _
C x p n f
=> C x p' n' f' if p = Nil
=> I (max x y) p' n' f' if p = I y _ _ _
=> C x p' n' f' if p = C _ _ _ _
foldr ins [] xs = sem $ (map (=>) ) ^ n $ toterm $ xs
foldr ins [] [10,1,5,2]
= ins 10 (ins 1 (ins 5 (ins 2 [])))
= ins 10 (ins 1 (ins 5 (cons 2 [])))
= ins 10 (ins 1 (cons 2 (ins 5 [])))
= ins 10 (cons 1 (ins 2 (cons 5 [])))
= cons 1 (ins 10 (cons 2 (ins 5 [])))
= cons 1 (cons 2 (ins 10 (cons 5 [])))
= cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 5 (ins 10 [])))
= cons 1 (cons 2 (cons 5 (cons 10 [])))
* 방향
- 병렬성이나 Lazy Evaluation이 연관된 증명이 매우 어려워 보임.
- 우선 Equational Equality를 보이는데 중점.
- 병렬성은 map 함수로 설명
- pure functional context는 lazy evaluation으로 설명
Tuesday, January 01, 2008
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