Monday, December 28, 2009


The Jolicloud public beta is built around a recent Linux 2.6.32-rc6 kernel, available for i386 or the Intel Atom, as well as Debian and Ubuntu. Other features include 1.6.0 and the Gnome 2.24.0 desktop, says Jolicloud. The distribution offers both Firefox 3.5.3 and Prism 1.0b2 browsers, and supports a wide variety of wireless protocols, as well as audio and video formats, says the company.

Basic services include an icon-based launcher and an app directory, which offers a wide variety of web-based apps like Gmail, Google Reader, Google Chrome, Facebook, and Twitter. Other applications include Pidgin IM, Skype, Zoho Writer, the Wine Windows Emulator, and Boxee.

Social networking is supported with a "friend stream" notification feature, as well as an action history page. An update manager page notifies users when updates are available for various applications, enabling "one click" installs, says the company.

iDEN (intergrated Digital Enhancement Network)

intergrated Digital Enhancement Network

Embedded Linux Wiki

Sunday, December 27, 2009

Teaching PL using proof assistants

Types and Programming Languages Course with Coq

July 28th, The Types Forum, Posted by Benjamin Pierce

Couple of quick questions...

1) I'm putting together a talk for ICFP about using proof assistants
to teach programming language foundations. As part of this, I'd like
to put together a comprehensive list of past experiments in this area
-- both to educate myself on what's out there and as a resource for
others. If you've got a course web site or any other materials that I
can include, please send me a link.

I'd also love to hear any thoughts or stories you may have.

2) A few months ago I asked here whether other people would be
interested in teaching their own courses from the Coq-based course
notes I've been developing over the past couple of years. I got a lot
of positive responses, so I've been working to put them in a more
polished form. I know of one person already who plans to use them in
the coming year, and it would be great to have a couple more. Please
let me know if you're interested.


Jan 24th, The Types Forum, Posted by Benjamin Pierce

For the past couple of years, I've been working on developing course
materials for teaching basic theory of programming languages using a
proof assistant. Last year I taught a semester-long course to a
mixture of undergraduates, Masters, and beginning PhD students,
covering elements of functional programming, constructive logic,
theorem proving, operational semantics, and types, with 100% of the
lectures and homeworks fully mechanized in Coq. I found this approach
worked amazingly well: the interactivity enabled by Coq was extremely
motivating for students, and both the stronger *and* the weaker
students performed better on exams than in previous years where I'd
delivered similar material with blackboard, paper, and pencil.

Encouraged by this success, I am working this semester on a second
revision of the material.

Since I'm producing reasonably complete lecture notes, I've naturally
begun to wonder whether it would be worth putting in the extra work
required to turn these notes into a proper book. But since this work
is inevitably going to be significant, I'd like to try to get an idea
how many people out there might actually use such a book. So...
If this sounds like a course that you would teach if a textbook for it
existed, could you please drop me a note? I'd be interested in how
many (and what level) students you think would take such a course at
your institution, how often you'd think of offering it, whether you
already teach a course covering related material, and what book you
use now for this course. I'd also be interested in hearing from
people that would want to use such a book for self study, or from
anyone who has any thoughts at all about what such a book should be

Many thanks!

- Benjamin

P.S. Here is a little write-up on my experiences with the course last

Also, in case people are interested, here are the complete Fall 2007
version and the ongoing current instance of the course:

The coverage of material this time will be similar to last year,
except that I'll drop the untyped lambda-calculus in favor of a module
on simple while-programs, including a little Hoare logic.

Friday, December 18, 2009

cflinux: Compact Flash Linux Project

Compact Flash Linux Project is a Linux distribution designed to run on a compact flash card in read-only mode. Cflinux (Compact Flash Linux Project) is intended to be a small, embedded linux based system. It is as small as possible, and currently needs around 14 MB. It includes OpenSSH, quagga, iptables, hostap, madwifi, wireless-tools, pppoe, tcpdump, bridge-utils, and more.

Compact Disc File System (CDFS, ISO 9660)

Compact Disc File System (CDFS, ISO 9660)

Poky is an open source platform build tool. It is a complete software development environment for the creation of Linux devices. It enables you to design, develop, build, debug, and test a complete, modern, software stack using Linux, the X Window System and GNOME Mobile based application frameworks for both x86 and ARM based platforms.
Key features include:
  • Full, fast, cross device filesystem creation with Linux Kernel 2.6.x, GCC, GNU C library, Busybox, networking and much more.
  • Highly configurable and extendable with full documentation, granular feature control, packaging, and wide machine coverage.
  • Developer friendly with QEMU device virtulisation, SDK generation, Anjuta IDE, OProfile and GDB integration.
  • Complete GNOME Mobile platform with the X Window System, Matchbox, GTK+ 2.12, D-Bus, GStreamer and 'Sato' reference implementation.
  • Support for bleeding edge OpenGL user interfaces with the Clutter toolkit.
  • A supported, stable and proven base for real world products built on Linux and open source software.
Poky is supported by Intel and is open source and royalty free, with a growing community of developers and users.

Saturday, December 05, 2009

DTrace on Linux.

(After I posted this article, many people seem to visit this, which is more than what I expected. I will be happy to hear what brings you here and why you are interested in this article, if you have some time to lose.)

1. Installation of DTrace on Linux (x86)

This is a Linux environment easy to set up for one's trial with DTrace:

- Ubuntu 9.10 (2.6.31-generic)

This is a short but quite precise list of steps for installation.

A. Go to to download dtrace-20091010.tar.bz2

B. Prepare utilities such as bison, flex, zlib, and libelf.

$ bunzip2 < dtrace-20091010.tar.bz2 | tar xvf -
$ sudo apt-get install bison
$ sudo apt-get install flex
$ sudo apt-get install zlib1g-dev
$ sudo apt-get install libelf-dev
$ cd dtrace-20091010
$ make all
$ sudo make install
$ sudo make load

C. Remarks

At first, I tried to install DTrace on Ubuntu 8.04 (Kernel Version 2.6.24), but in vain. The critical issue was a kernel symbol pid_task is not exported in the kernel version. The symbol is referred by the dtrace driver. The symbol seems to be exported after the kernel version 2.6.25. There were a few more issues but they were able to be easily fixed.

For my Dtrace trial, I used VMWare on iMac. The use of VMWare doesn't bother one's trial with DTrace.

Unfortunately, I couldn't find any notices from Internet on a port of DTrace on ARM. A document available in the dtrace package that I downloaded says it only supports AMD, Solaris, and X86. But I heard that iPhone OS does provide an Apple version of DTrace. iPhone 3GS is based on ARM Cortex-A8.

2. Starting DTrace

When the installed DTrace was tested according to the following tutorial, I met system hangs quite frequently.

Amit Saha once made a post about this system hang, and found out the reason: it is due to gnome-terminal, xterm, and ETerm. He suggested to use KDE konsole.

So, I did:

$ sudo apt-get install konsole

If I try DTrace on konsole, the system hang problem happens far less frequently. At least I was able to run all DTrace scripts in the tutorial without system hangs.

3. Final Remark

Please refer the following link to get to know the up-to-date status of DTrace

디지털 문화 콘텐츠, 운세

[참고] 김명신과 전승규, 온라인 운세 콘텐츠의 이용자들의 이용 만족과 불만족에 다른 회원 유지와 탈퇴에 대한 연구, Design Forum, Vol17, 2007.

운세 관련 웹사이트 회원 관리 시스템의 통계를 기본 데이터로 작성한 논문으로 보인다. 논문에서 몇가지 흥미로운 사항을 발췌한다.

1) 운세 콘텐츠의 중요성

디지털 문화 콘텐츠 분야 중에서 운세(관상) 콘텐츠에 대한 관심을 갖는 것은 동서양을 막론하고 개인 대 개인의 만남과 조화도에 대한 관심은 크다고 사료된다. 또한 전통적으로 중국, 일본, 한국 등에서는 이성간의 만남 속에서 자신의 운명과 상대에 대한 기대가 농축되었기 때문이며, 도가적 사상과 유교적 사상의 잔재에 기인한 문화적 산물이라고도 할 수 있다. 시대와 사회적 환경이 바뀌어도 운세 그리고 사주 그리고 관상에 대한 궁금함과 관심 그리고 흥미는 변하지 않는다고 생각된다. 따라서 이러한 문화 콘텐츠 제품이 많은 관심과 소비가 이루어질 것으로 생각되며 글로벌 문화 콘텐츠 제품 개발에도 경쟁력이 있다고 생각된다.

2) 시장 상황

2-1) 운세 콘텐츠 형식

온라인과 모바일 중심으로 텍스트 형태로 제공돼 왔던 운세 콘텐츠 포털이 DMB나 와이브로 등 새로운 플랫폼과 접목되면서 동영상 등 새로운 방식의 서비스로 전환되기 시작함. 주로 포털 사이트나 이동 통신사 등과 연계돼 왓지만 최근에는 IPTV에 서비스 하면서 동영상 등 새로운 형태의 운세 서비스 제공이 시작됨. [운세포털 도통은 최근 하나TV에 운세 서비스를 공급함. 산수도인은 스카이라이프의 데이터 방송에 서비스를 제공함.]

2-2) 시장 규모

첨단과학과 인터넷 정보 시대에도 점은 사라지지 않고 운명 산업으로 진화함. 젊은이들 구미에 맞춰 재미를 강조하고 재테크, 입시, 이혼 등 전문 영역으로 세분화하는 형식. 인터넷 운세 콘텐츠는 게임 콘텐츠 다음으로 인기. 참고로 45만 역술 무속인이 관련한 운명 산업의 규모는 2조원 (역술인 협회 추산). 영화 산업 규모 (2004년 2조 3000억)에 가까운 규모임. 온라인 기반 운세 콘텐츠 시장 규모는 1000억을 넘어섬. 주로 인터넷 포털 사업자와 이통사와 제휴한 온라인 콘텐츠 시장과 연계. 모바일 게임 전체 시장 규모인 1000억과 유사한 규모의 시장을 형성함.

주요 콘텐츠제공업체(CP)으로 이라이프, 엑소젠, 토톨오즈스타닷컴 등이 있음. 매년 35억에서 50억 규모의 매출을 달성. 특히 연말이나 연초 운세 콘텐츠 수요가 폭증하는 기간에는 업체당 월 매출이 15억~20억에 이름.

브랜드명: 천기누설 / 운세포털 도통.

2-3) 왜 운세 콘텐츠?

운세 콘텐츠 서비스의 안정적인 수익은 서비스의 절반 이상이 유료 기반. 다양한 콘텐츠 사용료도 1500원에서 1만원 사이 등에서 매우 다양해 여성 사용자 층이 매우 두텁기 때문인 것으로 분석됨.

운세 CP는 투자 비용이 많이 들지 않음. 예를 들어 음원을 지속적으로 확보해야 하는 음악 콘텐츠나 지속적으로 개발비요이 투입되는 모바일 게임 등 다른 콘텐츠 콘텐츠와 비교.

2-4) 운세콘텐츠 서비스 운영을 위한 설문 결과

온라인 운세콘텐츠 이용 상황과 느낌이 운세 콘텐츠 온라인 운세 서비스 회원 등록 유지 및 회원 탈퇴에 미치는 하위요인들의 상대적 기여도는 다음과 같이 조사됨

1. 서비스
2. 평판 및 관심 변화
3. 프로그램 운영 및 보안
4. 등록 편의
5. 신뢰 만족
6. 비용 관련

운세콘텐츠 이용 만족도는 1회 사용자가 상대적으로 높고 10회 사용자, 3회 사용자, 탈퇴자 순서로 만족도가 높다는 설문 결과.